Toilet cleaning tips to keep your bathroom spic and span

There is a right way to clean a toilet, and using the appropriate technique will also guarantee that you get rid of any bacteria and viruses that may be growing steadily there.

It might be an unpleasant task to clean the toilet. Although it’s not difficult, blunders can still happen. You may be surprised to learn that there is a right way to clean a toilet, and using the appropriate technique will also guarantee that you get rid of any bacteria and viruses that may be growing steadily there. The appropriate cleaning methods will not only prove to be more effective but will also conserve your time and energy.

Items required to clean toilet:

  • A mask ( wearing a mask is necessary )
  • A sturdy pair of cleaning gloves/ Rubber gloves
  • Tiff-bristle toilet brush
  • Eye protection
  • Toilet cleaner
  • All-purpose spray cleaner
  • Paper towels or cloths
  • Disinfecting spray and wipes
  • A toilet bowl cleaner (either one that you’ve DIYed or a store-bought option that contains hydrogen peroxide or oxygen bleach)
  • Pumice stone on a stick
  • An old toothbrush

Source: Pinterest

See also: Bathroom and toilet direction as per Vastu: Useful Vastu tips for bathrooms and toilets

How to get started 

Assemble materials and set up the area

Start by clearing the area surrounding your toilet because cleaning a toilet may be unpleasant and there’s always a potential that you’ll splatter water or chemicals outside of the toilet itself. By clearing out everything unnecessary from the area around the toilet and the tank lid, you can avoid additional cleanup. To avoid spilling objects into the bowl while cleaning, remember to remove anything from the tank’s top.


Adding cleaning solution

Before starting any work, put on a pair of rubber gloves. To avoid splashing or spilling, flush the toilet while keeping the lid closed. To prevent the cleanser from getting diluted, add the cleanser of your choice into the toilet bowl as closely as you can get to the rim.

Source: Pinterest


Clean the outside of the toilet

Clean the outside of the toilet using a bathroom cleaner that is potent enough to disinfect the outside of the toilet after the cleaning solution has had time to penetrate the toilet filth in the bowl and you have flushed it away. Start from the top to avoid dripping on already-cleaned surfaces. Spray and clean the tank’s edges, handle, and other surfaces with a cloth. Do the toilet’s exterior lid next. Finally, clean the bowl’s exterior from top to bottom and clean it thoroughly. Before cleaning the bottom margins of the toilet where it touches the floor, start with the sides and front.


Clean the toilet seat

You should never ignore the toilet seat. Since it is the section of the toilet that comes in contact with people, it must be carefully cleaned. As you raise the seat, spritz the toilet’s rim, interior lid, and seat with toilet cleaner. The toilet seat’s lid, seat, and back hinges should all be cleaned with a damp cloth. Some toilets have hinges that may pop open for easier cleaning access. To get rid of any bleach or chemical residue from the seating surface, wipe the entire seat with a towel that has been dampened with clean water.

Source: Pinterest


Clean the inside of the toilet bowl

Start by wiping off the bowl’s rim. Always start by scraping under the rim. Look under the rim to remove all the dirt and stains. Next, use the toilet brush to scrub the bowl, making sure to reach the drain hole opening at the bottom. Keep the lid down while flushing the toilet.

You can use baking soda or a commercial product to clean the porcelain if the toilet bowl has brown or reddish rust or mineral stains. Some people advise adding a can of soda to the toilet bowl, scraping, and rinsing it out before adding vinegar to the water to help remove any leftover stains. In either case, flush the toilet before attempting to remove rust stains since the chemicals in the rust-cleaning solutions may react with those in the all-purpose cleaner. After this cleaning, flush the bowl with the lid down.

Source: Pinterest


Clean up the surrounding area for the last time

Finish by wiping up any cleanser or water spills, putting away the trash and tools, and putting back everything you took off the toilet or the area surrounding it. At the very end, take off your gloves, marks, and eye protection, and properly dispose of them. After all of this, if it’s possible, take a quick shower or simply just give your hands a good scrub with soap for a couple of minutes. Open the windows and any other ventilation in your bathroom, and leave the door slightly ajar to allow the odour to escape completely.

Source: Pinterest


Things to keep in mind 

  1. Protect yourself: When cleaning a toilet, you should never go without eye protection. Eye protection will save you from splashing cleaner and toilet water because the majority of cleaning products contain bleach and other chemicals that can irritate or harm your eyes. To avoid contact with your hands, you might also want to use safety gloves made of rubber or latex. Wear a mask to prevent inhaling mist or vapour. When your skin comes into close touch with the harmful chemicals found in bathroom cleaning agents, it can result in dermatitis or even burns. Keep the toilet seat lid closed while flushing to avoid splashing and spilling.


  1. Do not use sponges: Avoid using sponges while cleaning a toilet as much as possible. The ideal habitat for bacterial growth is provided by damp sponges. If you must sterilise sponges, experts advise doing so by dampening them and placing them in a microwave for about 30 seconds, as heat usually eliminates all bacteria. Because they can be discarded, paper towels are a fantastic option. Use hot water and bleach to wash any reusable towels right away in a separate batch. 


  1. Avoid cleaning tablets: Avoid using cleaning tablets or discs for cleaning the toilet bowl, the kind that dangles inside the bowl’s rim or is put into the tank. If you have pets, there is a risk that they might drink the chemical-filled water because these items may contain strong chemicals that can harm you or your pet, and also, it harms porcelain.



What is the significance of toilet cleaning?

Viruses and bacteria can live on washroom surfaces for up to a week. The easiest method to lower the risk of disease and infection is to keep your restroom clean. Use cleaning and disinfectant products as needed.

What is the most important rule of toilet cleaning?

Start with your gentlest cleaning procedures and only switch to more forceful ones as necessary. Additionally, be familiar enough with your cleaning materials to halt your efforts before you cause damage.


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