Vastu for marriage and tips to improve relationships

According to Vastu Shastra, the master bedroom must be designed in the southwest direction.

Marriage is an institution that allows a couple to start a new life journey together. In India, marriage is considered as a sacred institution, where each partner has duties to fulfil. Following some Vastu Shastra rules can benefit those who plan to start their marital life or looking for ways to make their relationship peaceful and happier.

Further, while many people prefer to take the crucial decision of marriage later in life, there are many individuals who worry about not getting married at the right time. Even for such people, Vastu Shastra can be greatly helpful.


Vastu tips for early marriage

  • Unmarried men and women must ensure that their bedrooms have more than one door.
  • Avoid keeping iron or metal items under the bed, as it can cause obstacles in marriage.
  • Do not keep underground water tanks in the southwestern corner of the structure.
  • The house should have an elevation with a lower and lighter southwest corner.
  • The best place for unmarried men is the extreme southern and extreme western sides of the house.
  • For unmarried girls, the bedroom placement must not be in the southwestern areas of the house.
  • The best place is the northwestern or extreme western sides of the house.
  • One should not keep heavy items in the centre of the house, also known as the Brahmasthan, as it can cause delays in marriage for young people.
  • Do not construct a staircase in the centre of the house (Brahmasthan), as it can lead to delays in marriage.


6 Vastu tips for marriage and improve relationships

There are various ways recommended in Vastu, from choosing the bedroom location to designing the rooms, which can ensure a healthy relationship between couples.

Direction of bedroom

For a peaceful marital life, the ideal direction for a bedroom should be the southwest area. One should design a master bedroom in this direction as it balances the male power centre and ensures good chemistry between couples.

Avoid a bedroom in the southeast corner as it can bring bad luck as this direction is related to the fire element. A southeast bedroom can cause tension in relationships, causing conflicts, or divorce.

Colours for bedroom

According to Vastu Shastra, one should choose blue or purple colours in the northeast corner for the bedroom décor. This ensures clarity of thoughts between couples, thus ensuring a healthy relationship.  Choose light shades of colour such as pink, blue, or peach for a southwest bedroom.

Type of beds and its placement

One should choose wooden beds, considered auspicious according to Vastu. Avoid metal beds in the bedroom.

The bed must be positioned in the southwest corner of the room. Do not keep the bed in north or east corner of the bedroom, as it can cause mental stress and financial instability. Avoid placing the bed in front of any door. One should avoid sleeping under any overhead beam as it can impact health. According to Vastu, the wife must sleep on the left side of her husband.

Placement of kitchen

Kitchen is an important place in a house, associated with a lot of energies. The ideal Vastu direction for a kitchen is the southeast corner. The presence of fire element in this direction makes the female mentally and physically stronger. Make sure to choose orange colour, which will ensure a happy marital life.

A kitchen in the northeast can result in enmity between family members, while a kitchen in the southeast direction leads to unnecessary expenses and impacts the health of women in a house.

When designing a kitchen, make sure the sink (water element) and stove (fire element) are kept at a distance from each other.

Bedroom décor

Place paintings, artworks, photos, statues, or décor items that evoke positive feelings. Choose a painting of Lord Krishna in his childhood. This boosts the relationship between husband and wife. Avoid any painting or artwork that reflects negativity.

When choosing décor items such as figurines, consider keeping such items in pairs. For instance, a pair of elephants or bird statues. Place the couple’s photo on the west wall of a room. Mirrors can be placed on the south or west walls.

Bedroom lighting

According to Vastu Shastra, one should opt for lampshades with dim lighting that promotes a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere.


Vastu for marriage: Things to avoid

  • Do not keep thorny or bonsai plants in a bedroom.
  • Avoid keeping electronic gadgets, such as televisions or computers in a bedroom as they can spread negative energies. If there are such items, keep them covered.
  • Sharp objects in the kitchen must be placed inside cabinets as they can evoke negative energies.
  • Avoid darker colours for the bedroom.
  • Mirrors should not reflect the bed.
  • Avoid metal beds and beds with storage spaces.



What are the Vastu tips for early marriage?

The bedroom for unmarried men should be on the extreme southern and extreme western sides of the house. Avoid a bedroom for unmarried girls in the southwestern areas of a house.

Which direction a wife should sleep?

According to Vastu, a wife should sleep on the left side of her husband. The best direction to sleep is with the head facing south while the feet should point towards north.

What is the direction for master bedroom for couples?

According to Vastu Shastra, the master bedroom must be designed in the southwest direction.

What are the Vastu tips for a marriage hall?

A marriage hall should be designed with an east or north entrance. The stage should be in west so that the couple sitting face east.

What are the Vastu tips to get married soon?

Choose a bedroom with more than one door. Avoid keeping iron or metal items under the bed as it can cause obstacles in marriage.

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