How to implement Vastu for home?

Vastu philosophy helps balance energy in homes.

The ancient Indian architectural science known as Vastu Shastra places a strong emphasis on the harmonious coexistence of people, architecture and environment. Many people think that arranging a house according to Vastu principles can improve general well-being, health and prosperity. You can create a space that encourages positive energy flow using a variety of tips and techniques, whether you’re building a new home or looking to improve the Vastu of an existing one. This article discusses how to check Vastu yourself, how the cardinal directions affect Vastu, common mistakes to avoid and how to make a Vastu-compliant home. 


See also :  Vastu tips to place a new year calendar for prosperity


DIY techniques for checking vastu

Directional alignment compass

Start by identifying the cardinal directions—north, east, west and south—with a compass. Directional alignment is very important in Vastu and knowing which way your home is oriented is a basic first step.

Vastu mandala purusha

The cosmic man lying on the ground is represented in the Vastu Purusha Mandala, a symbolic diagram that delineates the principles of Vastu. Place this mandala over the floor plan of your house to determine where different rooms and areas should be located concerning the cardinal directions.

Five elements analysis

According to Vastu, one of the five elements—earth, water, fire, air and space—relates to each direction. To improve positive energy flow, evaluate the existence and proportion of these components in the various rooms of your house.

The home’s energy map

Make an energy map of your house and identify any potential negative energy zones as well as positive energy areas. Using this do-it-yourself method, you can recognize areas that might require adjustment and learn more about the flow of energy.


Impact of cardinal directions on vastu


Prosperity and wealth are connected to the north. To improve financial well-being, arrange key areas in this way, such as the master bedroom or financial documents.


Symbolising fresh starts and development, the east is represented by the direction of the sunrise. Positive energy is fostered by positioning study areas, meditation areas and entrances towards the east.


Stability and relaxation are associated with the west. West-facing bedrooms or lounging areas can help to create a tranquil atmosphere.


The south is associated with strength and vitality. The vitality of the house can be increased by positioning the kitchen or gym in the south.


Commonly overlooked aspects in vastu checking

Underground water tanks

Underground water tank alignment and placement are one often neglected aspect of Vastu checking. While above-ground constructions frequently garner more attention, Vastu principles also heavily weigh the positioning of vital utilities, such as water tanks. For a harmonious energy flow, these tanks should ideally be situated in the northeast or north. Orienting them in different directions could upset the elemental forces’ equilibrium and have an effect on the house’s overall Vastu. Homeowners should be aware of where their subterranean water tanks are located and adjust them as necessary to comply with Vastu principles.

Electronic appliances

One other area that is frequently overlooked when considering Vastu principles is the placement of electronic appliances strategically. Electronic devices, like computers and televisions, release electromagnetic fields and the way they are positioned can affect the energy dynamics of an area. In order to maximise positive energy or minimise potential negative effects, Vastu advises orienting electronic appliances in particular directions. For example, it may be advantageous to place the television in the southeast, but it may be detrimental to place it in the northeast. Paying attention to the orientation of electronic devices is crucial if you want to keep your home in harmony with Vastu and keep it that way.

Clutter and cleanliness

Vastu principles require one to maintain a clean, clutter-free living space, but this is something that is frequently forgotten. A home’s natural energy flow is disrupted by clutter, which creates stale and unfavourable energy. It’s advised to have regular decluttering sessions to get rid of any unnecessary stuff that might accumulate over time. Vastu also emphasises cleanliness to create a pure and positive environment. The overall energy balance can be impacted by the trapping of negative energy by dust and dirt. Homes can create a more Vastu-aligned living environment and foster positive energy and a sense of well-being by implementing routines of cleaning and decluttering.


Tips to keep in mind

Natural light and ventilation

Ensuring sufficient natural light and ventilation in the living areas is a basic component of designing an ideal Vastu home. In addition to illuminating the interiors, natural light infuses the space with positive energy. Vastu places a strong emphasis on the value of well-lit areas because they create a lively and positive ambiance. Furthermore, adequate ventilation guarantees a constant flow of fresh air, which keeps energy from stagnating. Homeowners need to consider where windows and doors should be placed to maximise the amount of natural light and airflow into their homes, creating a peaceful and energetic atmosphere.

Balanced furniture arrangement

According to Vastu principles, furniture placement is essential to preserving a positive and balanced energy flow. It is imperative to refrain from obstructing passageways or arranging furniture in a way that detracts from a room’s natural flow. Vastu advises making areas that are clear of obstructions and open to the flow of energy. Harmonious living spaces are enhanced by thoughtful placement of furniture, including beds, tables and couches. A well-planned and balanced furniture arrangement is what homeowners should strive for to facilitate a continuous and easy flow of energy throughout the house.

Symbolic vastu corrections

Enhancing positive energy in the home can be done creatively and effectively by incorporating symbolic Vastu corrections. For instance, mirrors are frequently strategically placed to reflect and increase positive energy. They can also be used to increase natural light and give the impression of space. Similar to this, incorporating objects and symbols that are in line with Vastu, like the Om symbol or the Vastu pyramid, can improve a space’s energy dynamics. These small but effective symbolic adjustments help the house become more in line with Vastu principles and create a calm, happy atmosphere.


Important suggestions 

Speaking with a Vastu expert

Seek the advice of a Vastu expert for a thorough evaluation. They can offer tailored guidance based on your lifestyle and the particular design of your house.

Frequent energy purification

Regularly cleanse your energy by performing rituals like smudging with sage or using salt water to remove any accumulated negative energy.

Adaptable strategy 

Vastu offers guidelines, but it’s important to keep an open mind. Prioritise the recommendations that fit your preferences and lifestyle, as not all of them may be achievable.


Latest trends 

Biophilic design

There is a growing trend in home design to incorporate natural elements. Vastu and biophilic design are compatible because they both highlight the relationship between people and the natural world.

Vastu smart

It’s becoming more and more common to combine smart home technology with Vastu principles. This includes implementing automated systems that follow Vastu principles, energy-efficient appliances and smart lighting.


Adopting a minimalist style not only fits in with current design fads but also enhances Vastu principles. A minimalist and clutter-free approach improves the flow of positive energy.

Using Vastu principles in your house can help create a peaceful and comfortable living space. You can design a space that radiates positive energy and well-being by doing it yourself, learning about the significance of cardinal directions, paying attention to details that are often missed and incorporating contemporary trends that are in line with Vastu.



Can I apply Vastu principles to an existing home, or are they only for new constructions?

Vastu principles can be applied to existing homes. Certain adjustments and corrections can be made to align the energy flow, even in established structures.

Is Vastu a religious practice and do I need to follow specific rituals?

Vastu is not a religious practice but a science of architecture and design. While some rituals are associated with Vastu, the core principles focus on creating a balanced and harmonious living space.

Do Vastu remedies always involve major renovations, or are there simpler solutions?

Vastu remedies vary in scale. While some may involve significant changes, others can be simple, such as rearranging furniture, adding specific colours, or using symbols to correct energy flow.

Can Vastu principles conflict with personal preferences in home design?

Vastu principles provide guidelines, but personal preferences are essential. A skilled Vastu consultant can help find a balance between adhering to Vastu and accommodating individual design preferences.

Is there a specific Vastu guideline for the placement of religious or spiritual spaces in the home?

Yes, Vastu provides guidelines for the placement of puja rooms or spiritual spaces. These are often recommended in the northeast direction to harness positive energy.

Can Vastu principles be adapted to modern architectural styles, or are they only for traditional homes?

Vastu principles can be adapted to various architectural styles, including modern designs. The key is to maintain a harmonious balance in the layout and placement of elements to enhance positive energy flow.

Are there specific colours that are considered universally auspicious according to Vastu?

While Vastu does associate certain colours with positive energy, individual interpretations may vary. Generally, light and soothing colours are preferred, such as whites, pastels and earthy tones, but personal preferences and the specific purpose of each room also play a role.

Can Vastu be applied to apartments, or is it more suitable for individual houses?

Vastu principles can be applied to apartments as well, although the extent of control over architectural aspects may be limited compared to individual houses. It is advisable to focus on interior arrangements, furniture placements and symbolic corrections in apartment living to align with Vastu principles.

Are there specific Vastu guidelines for home offices or workspaces within a residence?

Yes, Vastu provides guidelines for creating a conducive and positive work environment within a home. It includes recommendations on the ideal placement of a home office, the direction of the desk and organising the workspace to enhance productivity and well-being.

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