Top 10 AI interior design tools to decorate your home

Here is a list of some helpful AI interior design tools for homeowners who would like to avoid interior designers and decorate their homes on their own.

Home owners, nowadays, spend a sizeable amount of their savings on decorating their homes. Nevertheless, many of them remain averse to hiring interior decorators, as they believe it to be a costly affair. Hence, they take things into their own hands, when it comes to deciding the design of their dream abodes. Today, there are many Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered interior design apps and software that can help the home owners with the interior designing job. Moreover, home owners do not need to be tech-savvy to use these tools.


know about: interior home design


List of best interior design AI tools to check out

Here is a list of the 10 best AI interior design tools you should try out to design your dream home.


AI interior design tool #1: Planner 5D

This is one of the most popular AI-powered home designing tools, which enables anyone to create floor plans and interior designs easily. It has around 40 million users and around 80 million projects have been designed using this software. It is available for web, iOS, Android, Mac OS and Windows, as well. You can also convert the 2D blueprint into 3D using its intelligent neural network.


AI interior design tool #2: Homestyler

This tool has been created by Autodesk, a renowned design program developer. It is a user-friendly program which does not require any prior knowledge of technology. It is a perfect tool for amateurs and one can design rooms using drag-and-drop functions, to create dimensions, angled walls, etc. You can also choose doors and windows from a variety of choices for large and small dining rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, etc. A premium version is also available for professionals.


AI interior design tool #3: Smartdraw

It is one of the simplest tools available online, for designing, customising and planning office spaces, apartments, rooms and even building elevation. Ideal for individual use, you can select from infinite choices of furniture, building materials and preloaded plans. A free trial period is available for all users and you can purchase the full program, if you like it. It can also help you arrange all the important elements of your floor plan.


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AI interior design tool #4: Home by me

This is another free tool for home décor planning and has a user-friendly interface. You can start in 2D and build your room, design it with furnishings and accessories and then convert it to 3D, for a better view and real-time understanding of the design. You can also subscribe to the premium version, if you want expert help for the designing your floor plan.


AI interior design tool #5: Havenly

This app is a customised version of self-help interior designing apps. With Havenly, you can compile your design ideas and pick up an interior designer at an affordable rate, to give your ideas a realistic twist. Also, for picking an interior designer, you need to take a style quiz and the algorithm will pick the most suitable interior decorator, according to your taste.


AI interior design tool #6: Hutch

This is another virtual home décor designing app-only tool for amateurs, which is easy to use. You can just upload a photo of your room or use a custom template and then start designing the room, by swapping different furnishing items. You can also buy the products directly from the app, instead of searching marketplaces for similar choices. It is like a dressing room for your home where you can try different interior options, without actually buying it.


AI interior design tool #7: IKEA Place

IKEA is a company offering home furnishings solutions and provides a platform, IKEA Place, which enables customers design their interiors. The platform is developed on ARCore, which enables users to place the products virtually in spaces you scan using a phone camera. It comes with an intelligent features that lets users to scan an item and know which products from IKEA match their product. Moreover, one can find out the exact measurement of the furniture items, allowing users to choose the right fit for their home.


AI interior design tool #8: RoomsGPT

roomGPT is another interior design AI tool, which allows people to redecorate their dream rooms. It is 100% free and open source, according to its developer Hassan El Mghari. Users of this application can take a photo of their room and get a new version created based on the themes they select. All this can be done for various rooms of the house within seconds using the tool.


AI interior design tool #9: Leaperr

Leaperr is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, which employs deep-learning, image-processing and advanced algorithms to produce interior designs. Users can take a picture of their room, select designs they prefer, and the system will generate tailor-made photos for the space.


AI interior design tool #10:  Homestory AR

Homestory AR is a user-friendly interior design tool powered by AI that enables users to visualise how different types of furniture and decor elements would look in their home. By scanning the area, the app uses AI technology to accurately measure the size and shape of the space, and suggests products that would be a good fit. In addition, the app allows users to share their designs and images with others, and offers a 3D virtual room view for a comprehensive perspective of the space from different angles.


AI for interior design: How does it work?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now increasingly being used in interior design through the creation of virtual design assistants. AI tools enable designers to input their design ideas and preferences and get suggestions for interiors such as colour schemes, furniture, and other design elements. 3D renderings and floor plans can also be obtained using the help of these virtual assistants.


How to use AI tools for interior design?

Using AI for interior design may require some initial familiarisation, but these tools are typically designed to be user-friendly, especially once you understand how to effectively communicate your preferences. To make the most of AI interior design, follow these simple steps:

  • Pick an AI interior design tool: Choose an AI interior design app that offers robust AI capabilities tailored to your specific needs. There are several excellent options available, as mentioned above.
  • Be clear: Clearly define your parameters by specifying your preferred room, style, colours, furniture arrangement, budget and other essential elements. Knowing what you want and effectively communicating it is crucial.
  • Mention the desired form of visualisation: Specify the type of visualisation you desire, such as 3D renderings, CAD drawings, mood boards or floor plans. Determining the level of detail and preferred format will ensure optimal results. 3D visualisations in landscape format are often ideal for collaborating with contractors or professionals.
  • Give specific feedback: Provide feedback on the AI-generated designs to refine the final image according to your preferences.
  • Be open to experimentation: Explore different tools and platforms to gather diverse inspiration. Combining multiple tools can lead to the best results for your interior design projects.


Interior design AI tools: Features

Some of the main highlights of using AI for interior design include:

AR and VR

Interior designers can now utilise the capabilities of AI for interior design, harnessing augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to produce breathtaking 3D renderings. By incorporating AR and VR technologies, designers can create immersive environments that showcase various design options, from furniture arrangements to paint colours. This enables them to efficiently determine the most suitable choices for a particular space and provide clients with immediate feedback on recommended modifications. With the aid of AI, interior designers can offer real-time solutions and optimise the final outcome for their clients.

Virtual assistants

When designing a project for a client, an interior designer must consider various factors such as room layout, size and budget. Virtual assistants can be invaluable in this regard, as they keep designers informed about different prices, products and styles. By leveraging virtual assistants, designers can save time and redirect their focus towards activities like generating creative ideas and collaborating more effectively. These AI-powered tools streamline the design process, allowing designers to provide their clients with well-informed choices while optimising their own productivity.

Personalised recommendations

AI for interior design opens up numerous possibilities for personalising spaces and assisting individuals in creating their ideal environment. By harnessing the power of AI, designers can efficiently sift through vast amounts of data to offer clients customised design recommendations that align with their specific requirements.

AI can analyse images, detect patterns, and propose solutions based on current industry trends. Moreover, it provides in-depth insights into clients’ preferences and generates personalised colour palettes, ensuring a tailored and satisfying design experience. With AI’s assistance, interior design becomes a seamless blend of technology and creativity, enhancing the overall design process.

Predictive analysis

Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for interior designers to maintain relevance in the industry. Thankfully, modern technology offers a valuable tool for trend prediction: artificial intelligence (AI). By leveraging AI’s data analysis and predictive capabilities, interior designers can gain insights into emerging trends before they become mainstream.

AI-driven predictive analysis tools allow designers to analyse vast datasets, including home improvement projects, product reviews and user behaviour on design websites. This empowers them to identify trends gaining traction and stay one step ahead of the competition. Furthermore, AI can forecast future colour palettes and furniture styles by identifying correlations between past fashion movements, cultural shifts, and industry changes. With AI as a strategic ally, interior designers can anticipate trends and maintain their competitive edge.

Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology is revolutionising interior design by seamlessly integrating physical and digital elements. This cutting-edge innovation empowers interior designers with enhanced creative control. By leveraging BCI in interior design, designers can streamline the process of creating, visualising and implementing designs through the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI).

BCI technology offers a range of applications, including generating 3D models, predicting customer preferences, and effortlessly producing sophisticated visuals. This automation simplifies tedious manual tasks like measuring walls and estimating materials, enabling designers to focus on their creative vision and deliver exceptional results efficiently. BCI is shaping the future of interior design, enhancing productivity and unleashing creative potential.


AI tool for interior design: Applications and uses

There are plenty of use cases for AI tools for interior design. Some of the most common applications of these solutions include:

Smart furniture placement

Arranging furniture in a way that maximises space and enhances functionality can be challenging. AI-powered tools provide intelligent furniture placement suggestions based on the dimensions of your rooms, the style of furniture and your specific preferences. These tools analyse room layouts and offer recommendations to create a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing arrangement. By optimising furniture placement, you can create a more spacious and comfortable living environment.

Colour palette selection

Choosing the right colour palette is crucial in creating the desired ambiance within a space. AI-powered interior design tools analyse the existing elements of your room, such as furniture, flooring and lighting, and suggest suitable colour schemes that complement the overall aesthetic. By generating cohesive colour palettes, these tools simplify the decision-making process, ensuring that your chosen colours harmonise with the existing elements while reflecting your personal style.

Smart lighting solutions

Lighting plays a significant role in setting the mood and enhancing the atmosphere of a room. AI-powered lighting systems offer intelligent solutions for controlling and optimising lighting conditions in your home. These tools provide recommendations for ideal lighting setups based on factors like natural light availability, room function and personal preferences. By leveraging AI algorithms, you can achieve optimal lighting effects that create a warm, inviting and visually appealing space.

Space optimization

For homeowners looking to make the most of limited space, AI-powered tools can assist in optimising room layouts. These tools analyse the dimensions and shape of the room and suggest creative storage solutions, multifunctional furniture options, and space-saving ideas. By utilising AI technology, you can transform even the smallest spaces into practical and stylish areas that meet your needs.

Material and texture visualisation

Through augmented reality or virtual reality capabilities, an AI tool can overlay different materials, finishes and textures onto real-time visualisations of a space. This enables designers and clients to preview how various elements will look, ensuring they harmonise with the overall design concept.


AI for interior design: Benefits

Interior design software equipped with artificial intelligence offers various advantages. Some of the benefits are discussed below:

Faster rendering

Artificial intelligence in interior design software has significantly sped up the process of rendering 3D images. These tools contain pre-rendered designs in their libraries, which reduces the time needed for rendering. AI algorithms simplify the process, enabling users to design their interiors and environment more efficiently.

Enhanced lighting

Certain interior design software tools are also used in video game creation and animated movies due to their strong lighting feature. With AI, the software can create any lighting required, from sunlight to desk lamps. The lighting effect can be produced quickly and is easy to create. Designers can visualise the design space in various scenarios using different lighting options.

More user-friendly

Thanks to AI, interior design software is becoming increasingly accessible to users with no prior CAD knowledge. Inexperienced users can use the software to its fullest extent. Many freelancers, students, and homeowners have started using these tools to learn and make a living. Professional designers can also take advantage of the more advanced features of these tools.


Cloud storage has made it possible for users to access interior design software from any device, regardless of its hardware specifications. With the storage happening in the cloud, there is no data loss. This makes it possible for people to work on interior designs from anywhere in the world, making the process more flexible.


Downsides of using an AI tool for interior design

While AI has undoubtedly brought significant advancements to the field of interior design, it’s important to acknowledge that there are also some downsides to using AI-powered solutions. 

Lack of human touch

One of the primary concerns with AI-driven interior design solutions is the potential loss of the human touch and personal connection. Designing a space is not just about aesthetics but also about creating an environment that reflects the individuality and preferences of the homeowner. AI algorithms, although capable of generating recommendations, may not fully capture the nuances of personal taste and emotional connection that a human designer can provide. The subjective aspects of design, such as cultural influences and personal memories, may be overlooked in the AI-driven process.

Limited creativity and originality

AI algorithms work by analysing existing data and patterns to generate design recommendations. While this can be useful for inspiration, it may result in a lack of originality and creativity in the final design. AI tends to rely on popular trends and mainstream preferences, which may lead to a homogenised and predictable design outcome. For those seeking unique and unconventional design solutions, relying solely on AI may limit the exploration of innovative ideas and alternative approaches.

Technical limitations

AI interior design tools heavily rely on accurate input data, such as room measurements, furniture catalogues and material libraries. However, technical limitations can arise when dealing with complex or unique spaces that deviate from standard parameters. Unconventional architectural features, irregular room layouts, or custom-made furniture may not be adequately accounted for in AI algorithms. This can result in inaccurate design recommendations or difficulty in visualising the final outcome.

Dependence on data quality and availability

AI algorithms require high-quality and diverse data to generate reliable design recommendations. However, the availability and quality of data may vary depending on the region, cultural context or specific design requirements. In some cases, data biases may be inadvertently embedded in AI algorithms, leading to design recommendations that are skewed or not inclusive. Additionally, data limitations in certain design aspects, such as niche styles or emerging trends, can impact the effectiveness of AI tools in those areas.


Tips to keep in mind while using AI interior design tools

  • Understand the purpose: Before diving into AI interior design tools, it’s important to understand their purpose and capabilities. Familiarize yourself with the specific features and functionalities of the tool you’re using to make the most of its potential.
  • Combine AI with human creativity: While AI can assist in generating design recommendations and suggestions, remember that human creativity and intuition are equally valuable. Use AI as a tool to enhance your own ideas and design vision rather than relying solely on its suggestions.
  • Provide accurate input: AI tools rely on the data and information provided to them. To obtain accurate and relevant design recommendations, ensure that you input precise details about your space, including measurements, color preferences, furniture styles, and any other relevant information.
  • Evaluate multiple options: AI tools often offer multiple design options and suggestions. Take the time to explore and evaluate different alternatives before finalizing your decisions. This allows you to consider various possibilities and find the best design solution for your space.
  • Consider user reviews and feedback: If the AI tool incorporates user reviews or feedback, take them into account. These insights can provide valuable information about the tool’s effectiveness, reliability, and potential limitations. Learn from the experiences of others to make informed decisions.
  • Seek professional advice: While AI interior design tools can be helpful, it’s important to remember that they cannot replace the expertise and guidance of a professional interior designer. If you have complex design requirements or specific challenges, consider consulting with a professional to ensure the best possible outcome.
  • Trust your instincts: Ultimately, you are the one living in the space, so trust your instincts and personal preferences. AI tools can provide suggestions, but the final decision should always reflect your unique style, taste, and comfort.
  • Stay updated: AI technology is constantly evolving, and new tools and features are regularly introduced. Stay updated with the latest advancements in AI interior design to explore new possibilities and improve your design process.


How to pick the right AI tool for interior design?

Choosing the right AI tool for interior design can greatly enhance your design process and help bring your vision to life. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the perfect tool for your needs:


  • Determine your requirements: Begin by identifying your specific requirements and goals for using an AI interior design tool. Consider factors such as the complexity of projects you’ll be working on, your level of expertise and the specific features and functionalities you’re looking for.


  • Assess ease of use: Look for an AI interior design tool that offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive controls. A tool with a simple and intuitive design will enable you to quickly learn and navigate its features, allowing you to focus more on your creative process.


  • Explore available features: Different AI interior design tools offer a range of features and functionalities. Consider the specific tools and capabilities you need, such as 3D modelling, virtual reality (VR) integration, material and colour selection and furniture placement. Prioritise the features that align with your design requirements.


  • Check compatibility: Ensure that the AI interior design tool is compatible with your existing software and hardware setup. It should work seamlessly with your computer system, operating system and design software to ensure smooth integration and optimal performance.


  • Evaluate customization options: Look for a tool that allows you to customise and personalise your designs according to your preferences. The ability to adjust details such as textures, lighting and finishes will enable you to create unique and tailored designs.


  • Consider pricing and licensing: Understand the pricing structure and licensing terms associated with the AI interior design tool. Some tools offer free versions or trial periods, while others require a subscription or one-time purchase. Evaluate your budget and choose an option that provides the best value for your investment.


  • Read user reviews and testimonials: Research and read user reviews and testimonials to gain insights into the experiences of other designers who have used the AI interior design tool. Their feedback can help you understand the tool’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall performance.


  • Seek customer support and training: Look for a tool that offers reliable customer support, including technical assistance and training resources. Prompt and helpful customer support can make a significant difference in your experience with the tool and ensure that you make the most of its features.



Can I use AI for interior design?

AI-enabled interior designs tools can be used for designing home interiors. These tools use machine learning algorithms to create design ideas and layouts as per the inputs, including room size, colour theme, style preferences, etc. Further, the use Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) design is also gaining popularity. Using these solutions, designers can generate virtual representations of spaces to help their clients visualise the design of their homes.

Which AI tool is best for interior design?

Some of the popular interior design software include Autodesk AutoCAD LT, SketchUp Pro, TurboCAD, Autodesk Revit, Autodesk 3ds Max, Substance 3D by Adobe, etc.

How much do AI interior design tools cost?

Fee charges by different AI interior design tools for their services largely vary. You can check the cost of whichever tool you prefer on its official website.

Is there a free AI for interior design?

Yes, some of the tools mentioned above are available for free. However, certain premium features may require a paid subscription.

Can AI replace interior designers?

It's unlikely that AI can entirely replace the expertise and creativity of a human interior designer. Nevertheless, these tools can significantly facilitate the work of interior design professionals.

Can AI design a floor plan?

Absolutely, AI algorithms can automatically generate efficient and practical floor plans, providing architects and designers with a valuable resource to streamline the design process.

Is it legal to sell designs made by AI?

Yes, you can sell AI-generated art, but it's essential to be cautious. Not all AI-art generators permit the use and distribution of AI art for commercial purposes.

What are the benefits of AI in interior design?

The advantages of employing AI in interior design are manifold. AI tools and algorithms greatly enhance the precision and efficiency of the design process. They can quickly generate design proposals, taking into account various elements such as layout, colour schemes, and furniture arrangements. This not only saves time but also helps designers explore a wider range of possibilities.

How does AI contribute to interior design?

AI plays a crucial role in streamlining interior design processes by assisting in spatial planning, furniture selection, choosing colour palettes, and suggesting materials. Its advanced algorithms are capable of enhancing 3D visualisations over time, enabling users to preview designs and make well-informed decisions before implementation. AI takes into account current trends, individual preferences, and global design patterns to generate tailored content.

In what ways does AI enhance the customer experience in interior design?

AI-powered platforms and applications revolutionise the interior design experience, making it more interactive and accessible. Users can remotely explore and visualise design options, uploading images of their spaces to experiment with styles and features through guided prompts and settings. AI bots facilitate real-time communication between designers and clients. For instance, AI-powered Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) applications enable clients to virtually walk through their designed spaces, creating an immersive and interactive experience that enhances satisfaction throughout the design process.

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