CIDCO has asked permission from the state government for development of the 106-hectare residential cum commercial township on the Kharghar Hill Plateau, Navi Mumbai, mentions a HT report. To be built at an approximate cost of Rs 18,900 crore, the Kharghar Hill Plateau project will cater to 11,985 residential population and 6,450 commercial population. The project will include residential buildings, bungalows, hotels and resorts and commercial plots for sale. These plants are usually found in forested areas with dense vegetation. The Hemisphere, a renowned
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Kharghar Hill Plateau is located at a height of 160-260 metres above the mean sea level and is house to the Pandavkada Falls, the Owe Dam and a smaller check dam near Artists’ village. Central Park and the Kharghar Valley Gold Course is also near the Kharghar Hill Plateau.
CIDCO expects to complete the project in four years from the date of start of construction. CIDCO had submitted documents to the state government on August 18, 2022 for getting terms of reference (ToR) for the Kharghar Hill Plateau project. The ToR was granted on August 22, 2022, that allowed CIDCO to do an environment impact assessment, based on which the environmental clearance (EC) may be granted.
Also, two adivasi villages, ‘Fanaspada’ and ‘Chaphewadi’ exist within the Kharghar Hill Plateau project area, access for which is through a 30-metre wide road abutting a Reserve Bank of India housing colony in Belapur. “The area is mainly hilly with steep slopes and dense vegetation. There is no ‘Plateau’ as such and the developable area is very less,” mentioned CIDCO’s pre-feasibility report for the project.
This move is however being opposed by city environmentalists who are of the opinion that it will impact the biodiversity and hydrology of the Kharghar Hill Plateau and its nearby places.
A copy of Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) report, Biodiversity Survey of Navi Mumbai Nature Park, mentions that the Kharghar Hill Plateau includes fauna such as the black-naped hare, small Indian civet, the Indian flying fox, and birds including the long-tailed shrike, yellow-wattled lapwing. The European roller, a passage migrant has also been seen on the plateau. The greater spotted eagle, classified as ‘Vulnerable’ by the IUCN is also seen in the surrounding Kharghar Hills.
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