House number 6: Significance of number 6 in numerology

As per numerology, house number 6 or house numbers that total up to 6 are perfect for families or people who are looking to start a family

If you live in a house with the house number 6 or one where the numbers add up to 6 (such as 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69 and so on), your abode is a lucky place for starting a new relationship. Such homes are known for vibes that promote creativity and love. People who indulge in creative activities, such as cooking, dancing, music, etc., can find success, if they live in house number 6, according to numerology.


House number numerology: Significance of house number 6


How to calculate house number for numerology?

To calculate your house number for numerology, write down your house or apartment number. Add together all the individual digits in the number. For example, if your house number is 1543:

1 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 13

Continue adding the resulting digits until you get a single-digit number:

1 + 3 = 4

So, in this example, your house number for numerology is 4.

It’s worth noting that when calculating the numerology of a house, you should also consider any alphabets used in the address, as they carry numeric values as well:

  • A, I, J, Q, and Y stand for the numeric value 1.
  • B, K, and R stand for the numeric value 2.
  • C, G, L, and S stand for the numeric value 3.
  • D, M, and T stand for the numeric value 4.
  • E, H, N, and X stand for the numeric value 5.
  • U, V, and W stand for the numeric value 6.
  • O and Z stand for the numeric value 7.
  • F and P stand for the numeric value 8.

Consider these numeric values when calculating the overall numerology of your house or apartment number.


What makes numerology number 6 special?

In numerology, number 6 holds great significance as it is often regarded as the most potent number. This number is closely associated with the planet Venus and symbolises the harmony and unity between partners. Individuals influenced by the Number 6 tend to possess strong artistic and creative inclinations.

For those who encounter a home with the number 6, it is believed to bring forth financial prosperity and success. Such homes are considered auspicious for initiating new relationships. They exude an atmosphere that encourages innovation and love. According to numerology, individuals engaged in creative pursuits like cooking, dancing, music, and more are likely to find success when residing in a house with the number 6.


House number 6 numerology: Effects and benefits

Living in house number 6 offers several positive effects and benefits, including:

  • Strong sense of family and community: House number 6 promotes a sense of togetherness and fosters a strong community spirit. It attracts individuals who value relationships and strive to create a harmonious home environment.


  • Emotional healing and nurturing: House number 6 symbolizes healing, compassion, and nurturing. Living in this house can support individuals in addressing emotional issues and finding healing from past traumas.


  • Encourages creativity and artistic expression: House number 6 is a magnet for people with creative and artistic talents. It provides an ideal space for individuals to express themselves through art, music, or other creative endeavors.


  • Cultivates domestic bliss: House number 6 is perfect for those who cherish domesticity and prioritize a peaceful home life. It creates an atmosphere of tranquility and nurturance, fostering happiness and contentment.


  • Associated with material success: House number 6 is connected to material success and financial stability. It serves as an auspicious dwelling for those seeking long-term financial security and prosperity.


House number 6: Who should avoid it?

Such homes are not suitable for people who like to stay alone and independent. House number 6 in numerology has a homely vibe, which will make it impossible for people who want to enjoy their freedom. Such homes are not lucky for people who are looking for financial growth and materialistic success. It is also not advisable for those who spend extravagantly and enjoy unnecessary luxuries. Moreover, those working in the financial sector will likely face a loss in this house.

See also: Is number 2 house lucky as per numerology?


House number 6: Who should prefer it?

The number 6 is governed by planet Venus and therefore, has an artistic vibe to it. The occupants of 6 house number will have a preference towards natural beauty, symmetry in designs and refined taste. Such homes provide a perfect setting for those who are planning to start a family, because of the presence of a harmonious vibe. There is innate energy within house number 6 for harmony, peace and understanding. Discord and stress cannot last for long in the atmosphere of this house. House number 6 is highly suitable for individuals born on the same date, or on date which adds up to the number six. This house is also great for people belonging to the sun signs of Taurus and Libra. This house is a haven of growth for people who are employed in childcare services, social work, teaching or in the medical field and want to follow their passion. 

See also: House number 5 numerology

If you are moving into a new house, it is essential to consider the best time or auspicious muhurat for entering the house, as per Vastu.

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House number 6: Home décor tips

The décor of the house should be artistic and must signify creativity. Occupants can use stylish décor for house number six, as it will resonate well with the vibe. Try placing musical instruments and paintings to deck up your home. Plan an inviting porch, a birdhouse and a beautiful front yard for your house number 6 or numbers that add up to 6 in numerology. You can also create a space for your home office, if you are a certified healing-based practitioner.

See also: House number 1 numerology

For home décor, opt for colours such as green, pale blue or lilac but avoid yellow. Keep the south-east area free from clutter and nurture green plants in the north direction, to enhance one’s career. Ensure that you design a soothing corner at home, such as a comfortable chair besides a bookshelf, or a small chair in a green balcony.

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House number 6: Precautions and challenges

  • Residents of such houses are deeply involved in their lives and therefore, can become reclusive. The symbol of the number 6 is a beehive with bees and honeycombs, which is well organised. So, like bees, the home owners of house number 6 are hardworking. They should take a break from their daily routine. They should slow down and carve more time for themselves by doing meditation, yoga or gardening. Attend to your needs first, before rushing and doing things for other people.
  • Another challenge is that the home can be so heart-oriented that it can be a challenge for material success.
  • As per number 6 house numerology, financial success will be a challenge for the occupants. So, bankers and investment professionals should avoid this home.

Also read all about numerology house number 8


House number 6: How to balance energy?

Here are some tips to balance the adverse energies of house number 6 or similar number in numerology:

  • Since material success will be a challenge in this home, make sure you try to save and control expenses, as much as you can.
  • Invite your friends for a get-together at least once a month, to bring positivity at home.
  • House number 6 in numerology promotes people who have a passion for things. Make sure you channelise this energy to the right place.
  • If you are single and staying in house number 6, make sure you choose a partner who shares your vision about life and things you do. The ‘opposites attract’ theory does not work for the occupants of number 6 house.

See also: House number numerology: Significance of house number 7


Is number 6 lucky?

The number 6 is considered lucky in Feng Shui, because it means ‘flow’ in Chinese. The number 6 also represents happiness and blessings. A number of businesses display the number 6, to invite good fortune and wealth. As per numerology, the number 6 signifies domestic happiness, harmony and stability. Such homes with house no 6 in numerology also come with huge responsibilities such as family obligations, children and the home.

See also: House number 4 numerology: What does number 4 signify?

House number 6: Influence on your life

The influence of House Number 6 becomes particularly significant if your Life Path Number aligns with 6. Individuals with a Life Path Number of 6 are likely to resonate with the creative atmosphere that this house emanates.

This number possesses the ability to amplify specific emotions. For individuals who tend to attract or harbour negative feelings, residing in a House with the number 6 can intensify those emotions.

House Number 6 is renowned for its positive impact on relationships and love. It fosters close bonds and is especially beneficial for newly married couples. The energy of this house creates an environment conducive to attracting love and companionship.



What kind of people should prefer house number 6?

According to numerology, house number 6 is ideal for people who are born on the same date or whose birth date adds up to 6.

What kind of people should avoid house number 6?

According to numerology, people who like their independence or are looking for materialistic growth, should avoid house number 6.

Is house number 6 good for home business?

House number 6 is ideal home for home-based beauty, childcare, food, clothing, counselling or healing businesses.

Is house number 6 good?

The number 6 is a perfect number as it is the sum of all of its divisors. It stands for love, harmony and balance. The house number 6 means responsibility, security and leading a peaceful life at home.

What does number 6 represent in numerology?

As per numerology, the number 6 is associated with responsibility, especially related to domestic affairs. Perfect numbers like the number 6 are considered harmonious and stable.

Is 6 a good Feng Shui number?

According to Feng Shui, number 3 is considered a good number since it has mystical powers. Similarly, the number 6 and other multiples of 3 like 9 are known to carry good fortune.

(With additional inputs from Purnima Goswami Sharma)


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