How to clean glass?

It can be cleaned using newspapers and coffee filters.

Glass surfaces can add shine to the house. It is important to make sure that it remains clean and dust-free all the time. Keeping the glass windows, mirrors, and table tops shiny not only enhances the visual appeal but also does not let the dirt breed. Cleaning glass at home is an easier task and can be easily followed if done step-by-step. You need to be aware of the right tools and materials required to clean a glass at home. In this article, we will provide a detailed step-by-step guide to help you clean a glass at home making it easier for you.

See also: How to deep clean your house? What is the importance of deep cleaning?


Step 1: Gather the materials required

Here is a list of materials that are required to clean a glass:

  • White vinegar
  • Distilled water
  • Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)
  • Mild dish soap
  • Microfiber or lint-free cloths
  • Squeegee
  • Soft-bristle brush
  • Spray bottle
  • Old newspapers (optional)
  • Bucket


Step 2: Prepare the cleaning solution

For glass-cleaning at home, a homemade solution can be prepared that is budget-friendly and effective for cleaning. To prepare the mixture to clean a glass, you combine equal parts of white vinegar and distilled water. This solution can either be prepared in a spray bottle or a bucket for easier application. This solution works well for cleaning a general glass at home. For shiny surfaces that have dust and dirt accumulated for so long, they can be cleaned using a mix of water and isopropyl alcohol.


Step 3: Dust loose dirt

Gather the necessary tools required to clean the dust off the surfaces. Be ready with the cleaning solution, microfiber cloth or lint-free cloth, a squeegee, and a soft-bristle brush. Now start the process by removing and dusting any dirt from the shiny surface. A soft-bristle brush or a duster is perfect for this. This is an important step as it prevents the glasses from scratching while cleaning.


Step 4: Applying the cleaning solution and wiping

After removing the dust from the shiny surfaces, apply the prepared cleaning solution to the glass. This can be done using a spray bottle or a bucket. Make sure to cover the entire area evenly and let the solution spread properly. It is usually advised to work on the smaller section at a time so that the solution does not dry before even cleaning it. Now wipe the cleaning solution using a microfiber or a lint-free cloth. Use the cloth in a circular or zig-zag manner. These types of cloth are recommended for cleaning as they easily trap dirt.


Step 5: Drying and polishing

For stubborn stains, you can prepare a solution from water and a few drops of mild soap. Gently scrub the area and rinse with water for clearer results. To have a streak-free finish on the glass surface, dry the glass with another microfiber cloth. For professional results, you can use an old newspaper. Newspapers are very efficient at removing any streaks from the glass.


Maintenance tips after cleaning a glass

  • After cleaning a glass, dust the shiny surfaces regularly to prevent accumulation of dirt.
  • Avoid using any heavy or abrasive materials or tools which can harm or scratch the glass.
  • When applying the cleaning solution make sure to work the process in a cool environment and avoid the sun as it will dry the cleaning solution quickly.



What is the best way to clean a glass?

The best way to clean a glass at home is to clean it with warm and soapy water.

How can I remove stubborn stains from the glass?

To remove stubborn stains from the glass you can use baking soda.

Can I use bleach to clean the glass?

No, it is not recommended to clean the glass using bleach.

How can I clean glass naturally?

To clean a glass naturally you can mix two parts of water and one part of white vinegar in a spray bottle.

Does salt clean glass?

Epsom salt or rock salt can easily clean glass.

Can vinegar clean glass surfaces?

Yes, vinegar when mixed with water can easily clean the glass.

What should not be mixed with vinegar to clean a glass?

Bleach should not be mixed with vinegar when cleaning a glass.

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