How to paint patches on walls?

You must apply more than one coat to get an appropriate colour match.

The walls of our homes face the brunt of time and often show signs of constant wear and tear. Be it dark spots caused by furniture or accidental dents on the wall causing paint chips, these factors dull your space over time. If your space has lost its charm due to these paint chips that leave a bad impression on people, then check this guide on painting patches on walls.

See also: Why is a primer for walls needed? How is it used?


Chipped paint: Causes

How to paint patches on walls?

Source: Pinterest (YIGII)


Before starting the process of fixing paint chips, it is important to know the reasons behind paint chips:

  • Paint chips are often caused by furniture or other objects with sharp edges bumping into the walls.
  • Moisture and humidity are also major factors, and this can be seen in bathroom walls. They cause the paint to peel over time.
  • Generally, the paint wears out naturally over time.
  • The painted surface not being prepared properly before the painting process is also a major factor behind paint chips.


Tools required to paint patches on walls

  1. Paint: Get the exact paint colour that was on your walls before.
  2. Primer: Get a good quality primer as it helps the paint to stick properly to the wall.
  3. Paintbrushes and rollers: Depending on the surface area you wish to paint again.
  4. Sandpaper: To smoothen the surface.
  5. Putty knife or spatula: For compound application.
  6. Patching compound: For repairing the damaged surface before applying the paint. Choose a compound that dries out quickly so you save time.
  7. Painter’s tape: To protect the surfaces you do not wish to get dirty.
  8. Drop cloth or plastic sheets: To ensure the furniture doesn’t get dirty.
  9. Rag or sponge: For removing dust and grease from the surface.


How to paint patches on walls?

How to paint patches on walls?

Source: Pinterest (At Home with Ashley)


Clean the surface

The first step is to clean the surface that is going to be repainted. Also, make sure all your furniture, as well as the floor, is covered with cloth or a plastic sheet or newspaper to prevent paint from dripping.

With the help of a spatula, remove all the loose paint and clean the surface again.

Smoothen the surface

With the help of sandpaper, sand the surface that needs to be painted again. This helps in making the surface smoother.

Apply the patching compound

Fill the uneven surfaces with a patching compound and use a spatula or putty knife to make sure it is evenly spread. Do not fill with a lot of compounds, or else you will end up with an uneven surface.

Sand the patched area and apply primer

After the patched area has dried out completely, use sandpaper to make the surface more even. Make sure you have cleaned the dust before applying primer. Use a roller to evenly apply the primer to the surface so that the paint sticks properly.

Start painting

  • Before you start painting, make sure that the paint you have matches that on the wall correctly or else you will end up making a mess. Test it on a small patch before repainting the entire wall.
  • After you have ensured that the paint matches properly, use a paintbrush or a roller to apply the paint evenly.
  • Apply many coats to ensure the colour matches properly, and let one coat dry before applying the other.

Clean up

Now that you have successfully treated paint chips, remove the painter’s tape gently and then clean your tools, such as the paintbrush and roller.


Tips for painting the chipped surfaces

  • Let the paint dry before applying a new coat.
  • Make sure you get a good-quality primer and paint.
  • Test the paint in a small patch before applying it.
  • Make sure you spread the compound evenly so the surface is not uneven.



Can I use any painting compound?

Yes, you can use any type of painting compound, but it's better if you use a compound that dries out quickly so you do not have to wait for a longer time.

What type of primer should I use?

There are mainly types of primers, water-based primers that work well for water-based paints and oil-based primers that work well for oil-based paints.

Is it necessary to apply multiple coats of paint?

To get better coverage and an appropriate colour match, you should apply more than one coat.

What if there is a large hole in my wall that needs to be fixed?

If there’s a large hole, you can fix it with a patching compound, but you will need a different compound which is more suitable for this cause, i.e. a more substantial compound.

What if the patched area is noticeable after patching?

If the patched area is noticeable, then you should choose another colour that matches the one on the wall correctly.

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