Shop Decoration Ideas and Tips to Increase Footfall.

No matter the diameter of your shop, a good shop interior design theme will ensure constant footfall, thus letting you earn good profit.

With our lives finally going to normalcy after being locked in our homes for two years, customers have a new vigour to go out more. That activity includes entering shops for retail therapy. No matter the increase in online shopping activities, nothing will ever beat the feeling of walking across aisles and touching or trying the products with your hands before you splurge on them. To make sure the customers enter your shops enthusiastically and also end up purchasing your items, you need to invest in adequately designing the entire space of your shop. Hence, it makes a fully immersive experience for the patrons.

Retail brands have finally figured out how important properly designing their shops are for customers. Gone are the days when a plain brick wall with dull paint used to do the trick. No matter how compelling your products are, a customer still gets more attracted to shops with an exciting theme or decor that resonates with the concept of their store; right from the front door of your shops to the walls of the store, every detail matters. A shop with an exciting concept or attractive front decor will make anyone take a peek in, but if the inside does not match the outer decoration, they will be disappointed. No matter the diameter of your shop, a good shop interior design theme will ensure constant footfall, thus letting you earn good profit.

See also: Small coffee shop design ideas


Shop interior design ideas that will result in more sales

The end goal of every shop owner is to gain profit, and that is possible by tweaking their shop interior to include attractive design ideas. Try these tips to create a particular design for your shops.


Shop interior design ideas and tips to increase footfall


The design of the shop must reflect the theme of the brand

Shops can be of any kind; they can be a food shop or shop that sells clothes or furniture. Customers looking for particular stuff get attracted to stores that depict what they are selling inside the store. Suppose you run a jeans store, then it will only make sense to maybe hang decor pieces made of jeans in the front of the store that will make it clear for the passer-by about the piece of clothing you sell inside.

Channelling the theme of the products sold in the interior of the store helps them connect better with customers. This, in return, will help one secure sales and build a relationship with their customers. Play along with the theme and colours of your shop. Colours that match the products being sold also do the trick.


Shop interior design ideas and tips to increase footfall

Source: Pinterest


Map out the perfect layout of your shop

After you are settled on the main theme surrounding your store, the next important thing is to utilise the space properly. Smaller shops may need help with space, but with proper floor planning, they can make the best use of limited space and still build up a fancy shop. Proper floor use is a significant step and should not be overlooked. Since one would like their shop to run for a long time with less cost, it is crucial to correctly figure out the entrance of the shop, where to lay the shelves to display, and which corner should hold the checkout zone. Some different layout floor plans are:

  • Grid- Works in grocery or departmental stores which require excess shelves.
  • V-shaped- Best works in a designer shop or shops that sell limited pieces of clothing and other items.
  • Looped- It helps shop owners fully make use of all the wall space. Found in shops that sell toys, home items or in hardware stores.
  • Diagonal plan- Famous floorplanning in beauty and electronic stores. This setup allows free contact between a salesperson and the customers as they need to test the products before buying.
  • Free-flowing floor layout- For a more neutral theme, let there be ample space for customers to freely walk across the entire space without any shelves or aisle blocking their paths. This is found in contemporary or art stores.


Shop interior design ideas and tips to increase footfall

Source: Pinterest


Lure in patrons with a dazzling shopfront

As we walk by a shop in malls or along the road, the first thing that our eyes land on is the front setup of any shop, and if it is attractive enough, our feet make us walk inside the store. That is how important it is for a shop owner to invest in building an exciting shopfront by adding good light fixtures that showcase the items worn by a mannequin or kept on shelves.

Some even add decorative art pieces that add to the theme of the store inside. If you run an eatery, then displaying some of the best-selling food items on the store’s entry will tempt customers to walk in. Keep the front of the store bold and attractive.


Shop interior design ideas and tips to increase footfall

Source: Pinterest


Have eye-catching display pieces inside the shops

The inside of a store must match the decor of the storefront; otherwise, the patrons will be disappointed and might walk away. Shops nowadays use modern and futuristic art pieces placed in the centre of a shop to display selected products that attract a customer’s attention and make them explore more of the presented collection.

Use bright colours to paint the display that will pop out in a neutral-themed store, or add smart lights to make the display shine in the entire shop. To attract customers, bakeries have been using the tactic of displaying a chocolate art piece or a macaron tower.


Shop interior design ideas and tips to increase footfall

Source: Pinterest


Use colours to add warmth to your decor

Shops with too much going on in terms of theme ward off customers as they look cluttered. Having clean, minimal decor is the new trend. White walls and single wood colour shelves are commonly seen in shops. Yet every shop needs warmth to make customers spend more time in the stores.

Add colours to your shops by using patterned rugs or carpets. Use potted plants to bring in some green. If your shop has a waiting area, make sure the sofa upholstery is warm blue, green or red. Use small items with bold shades for that pop of colour in the dull decor.


Shop interior design ideas and tips to increase footfall

Source: Pinterest


Change the theme of your shops with seasonal festivities

Every country has a few festivals that call for shopping. Using the emotional value attached to these holidays to attract customers is another idea. Make sure you use temporary decorations to fill up the walls and doors of your shops with the theme of the festival approaching.

For example, at Christmas, use lights, Santa dolls or mistletoes to decorate your store, which will attract customers with ease. Decorations also add warmth and a sense of belonging.


Shop interior design ideas and tips to increase footfall

Source: Pinterest



How to have an attractive setup in a small shop?

If your shop lacks space, then use bright lights and neutral walls to make the space feel airy. Use the vertical space in walls for displaying products. Keep your shop clutter-free with clean glass displays and minimal decor pieces.

What are the trending themes for shops nowadays?

With a surge in AI technology, tech-savvy stores that use immersive technologies to attract customers are a huge rage. Another trending theme has an elaborate display piece in the middle of the store with massive installations, bold colours and lighting.

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