What is the ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane?

Discover the minimum value that a property in Manpada, Thane can command.

Thane West’s Manpada is one of the most preferred places in Thane and even the Mumbai Metropolitan Region mainly because of its real estate activity. Manpada is located along the National Highway- 48 (NH48). If you are actively seeking to buy a home here, first know the basics- the ready reckoner rate in Manpada Thane.

See also: Ready reckoner rate in Ghodbunder Road, Thane West


What is ready reckoner rate?

The ready reckoner rate is the least rate at which the value of an immovable property is decided is defined as the ready reckoner rate. It is known as the circle rate or the guideline value in other parts of the country. 


Where can you find the ready reckoner rate details for Manpada, Thane? 

IGR Maharashtra’s annual statement record (ASR) helps you find about the ready reckoner rate in Manpada. Based on this ready reckoner rate, you can get an idea on how much has to be paid as stamp duty and registration charges while investing in a property at Manpada. 


What are the factors on which Manpada ready reckoner rate depends on?

  • Location
  • Infrastruture 
  • Connectivity 
  • Market demand 
  • Property configuration
  • Property usage- residential, commercial, industrial
  • Amenities


How can you check the ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane?

You can check the ready reckoner rate in Thane by logging onto the IGR Maharashtra website at https://igrmaharashtra.gov.in/Home

ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane

  • Click on e-ASR that is below the stamps section on the homepage. Click on the e-ASR 1.9 version and you will reach 

ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane

  • Next, on the Maharashtra map, select Thane. 

ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane

  • Next, select district as Thane, Taluka as Thane and select Village as Manpada. 

ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane

You will see the annual statement of rates for Manpada


Manpada, Thane ready reckoner rates 2024 per sqm

Locality Residential Office Shops Industrial Open land
Manpada Rs 1,24,700 Rs 1,43,600 Rs 1,62,3 00 Rs 1,43,600 Rs 45,500

Likewise, you can check the ready reckoner rates for other places in Manpada.  


Property investment in Manpada, Thane: Benefits

  • Manpada has good connectivity within different locations in and around Thane, Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. It also is in close proximity with major highways, and freeways in Mumbai.
  • Manpada has presence of both affordable and high end luxury apartments. In addition to residential, the place also has commercial real estate here. 
  • Rental market is rich in Manpada and investors can benefit from investing in real estate. 


Impact of ready reckoner rate on realty

  • Property prices: Ready reckoner rate impacts the price of the property as based on this the price is decided.
  • Stamp duty and registration charges: Based on the ready reckoner rate, you pay the stamp duty and registration charges. 


Why should you invest in residential properties at Manpada, Thane?

Residential prices in Thane

According to Housing.com, the average price for buying an apartment in Thane (W) is Rs 13,884 per sqft with the price range being between Rs 5,833 – Rs 22,307per sqft. If you are looking at renting a property here, the average rent here is Rs 36,974, with the price range for rent being between Rs 24,000 – Rs 45,000. 


Housing.com POV

Manpada in Thane is very well-developed and one of the sought after places for investment. If you are looking at property investment in and around Thane, Manpada can definitely be considered. Before proceeding with the investment, do know the ready reckoner rate of the area and do the required due diligence. 



What are ready reckoner rates?

These are the minimum property prices that are fixed by the Maharashtra state government.

How do you find a ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane?

IGR Maharashtra helps you find the ready reckoner rate in Manpada, Thane.

What are the stamp duty and registration charges in Thane?

While the registration fee in Maharashtra is 1% of the transaction value, the stamp duty in Thane is 7% for men and 6% for women.

Who fixes the ready reckoner rates in Manpada?

The ready reckoner rate in Manpada is fixed by the Maharashtra state government.

Can the ready reckoner rate of a property in Manpada be lower than the market rate of a property?

Yes. A property in Manpada can have lower ready reckoner rate than its market rate.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at jhumur.ghosh1@housing.com
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