Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home

Benjamina Ficus tree and Ivy Golden Pothos are examples of indoor, and low-light plants.

placed anywhere in a house as they do not require direct sunlight. Besides their flexibility of placement, these plants can help purify the indoor air. Some of the semi-indoors plants, such as money plants, Ivy Golden Pothos, and Peace Lily are considered lucky plants and help bring positivity.

Click to read about 10 widely used indoor plants that don’t need sunlight


What are semi-indoor plants?

Semi-indoor plants can thrive in a combination of indoor and outdoor environmental conditions. These differ from indoor plants as they need bright, indirect sunlight to grow well. Ideally, these plants can be placed near a window while they add greenery and a refreshing ambience to the interiors.


Semi-indoor, low-light plants for home

Ivy Golden Pothos

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Ivy Golden Pothos, known by its scientific name Epipremnum Aureum, grows in medium to low indirect light. They require watering every 1 to 2 weeks. Use pot standers to give shape to these plants.

Snake Black Coral

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Snake Black Coral, Sansevieria Trifasciata, is a variety of the Snake plant, which is an excellent option to elevate the décor of your living room. The plant has dark green leaves with wavy white-grey bands. They require watering every two to three weeks.

Parlour Palm

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Also known as Victorian Parlor Palm, these plants need medium light and prefer a moist environment. Using a humidifier or misting is ideal. Watering the plant every two weeks can be sufficient. These plants can create an eye-catching look due to their attractive fronds.

Lucky Bamboo

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Lucky Bamboo plants grow in minimum light while helping to purify the indoor air. Moreover, these are widely preferred for their Feng Shui and Vastu benefits. Placing the Lucky Bamboo is believed to attract good luck, good health, and positive vibes.

Prayer Plant

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Prayer plants thrive in low-light conditions. These tropical plants are known by their scientific name Maranta Leuconeura and beautiful foliage. The leaves are flat during the day and fold up at night, resembling hands during prayer.

English Ivy

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


English Ivy is an evergreen plant. It appears as trailing vines, perfect for growing in baskets. It can be used to deck up the window or patio.

Rabbit Foot Fern

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


This plant is characterised by fine upright fronds resembling a rabbit’s foot. Besides thriving in minimum light, it can also grow in highly humid conditions. So, it can be an excellent décor option for your bathroom interiors. Make sure to keep it near the windowsill as it requires indirect sunlight.

Benjamina Ficus tree

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Ficus trees, with their waxy green leaves, can create an appealing look for your home. They can grow up to 10 feet tall. A humid environment and watering twice or thrice a week are recommended for the plant’s healthy growth. They can be used to beautify dull room corners. Make sure they get ample diffuse light.


Semi-indoor plants that need minimum water

ZZ plant

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


ZZ plants or Zamioculcas Zamiifolia can serve as an air purifier for your house. They thrive in minimum sunlight and can withstand drought conditions. Moreover, these plants can help create a peaceful ambience.

Sago Palm

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Choose Sago Palm to bring tropical vibes to your home. Also known as Cycas revoluta, Sago Palms can be grown in attractive containers to deck up your living space. They prefer moderate humidity and moisture and minimum watering.

Ponytail plant

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


These succulents are characterised by their ponytail-like, leathery leaves, and large stump that taper off into thinner stems. They need bright, indirect light. Overwatering must be avoided.

Snake Plant

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Snake plants, identified by their needle-shaped leaves, can purify the indoor air. These plants grow in low light and require minimum watering. They can grow up to four feet in height and add a striking look to the interiors with their patterns.

Aloe Vera

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Known for its extensive medicinal properties, Aloe Vera have thick, spiky leaves, and are available in different varieties. They need bright light and watering once in two weeks.

Burro’s Tail

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Burro’s tail, Sedum Morganianum, is known for its jelly, and bean-shaped leaves. These low-maintenance plant need minimum watering. They can be placed in attractive containers or hanging pots to enhance décor.


Semi-indoor plants to increase positive energy

Peace Lily

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Peace lily, as the name implies, can work in a positive way to elevate the décor and energies in the house. These low-maintenance plants help purify air and enhance the visual appeal. Moreover, Peace Lily has been associated with many health benefits. They help in enhancing mood and promoting sound sleep.

Money Plant

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


According to Vastu, keeping a Money Plant promotes positivity. In Feng Shui, the plant denotes the five elements of nature, creating a balance and harmony. The plant is believed to purify air, low stress, and anxiety. Most importantly, it is known to attract wealth.

Areca Palm

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Areca palm is a great indoor plant as it does not need direct sunlight. The plant purifies air and increases moisture and oxygen levels. When placed indoors, it helps create a peaceful ambience and lowers stress.


Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Eucalyptus is a popular indoor plant known for its unique fragrance. It can be a perfect interior décor option. The greenery helps bring positive vibes.

Peepal Bonsai

Semi-indoor houseplants to beautify your home


Peepal tree has great significance in various cultures. It is associated with enlightenment and good luck. Peepal Bonsai can be a convenient option for bringing this lucky plant indoors. Keep it in a bright area. Choose a well-drain soil and provide regular watering. News Viewpoint

Indoor plants typically thrive with minimum light and watering. Many indoor plants, such as Peace Lily and Areca Palm have multiple benefits of promoting good vibes and enhancing visual appeal of the space. So, there are variety options for homeowners to choose.



How much water do indoor plants need?

Typically, indoor plants need watering once or twice a week.

Do indoor plants need water every day?

Snake plants require watering only once in two weeks.

Which plant needs no sunlight?

Devil’s Ivy Pothos, Philodendron, Peacock plant, and Sword Ferns are plants that can grow without sunlight.

Which is the luckiest indoor plant?

Peace Lily and Money plants are examples of some lucky indoor plants.

What is the best indoor plant for low light?

Benjamina Ficus tree and Ivy Golden Pothos are examples of indoor, and low-light plants.

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