This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance

Interior designer Shabnam Alam has done magic to this luxury property in Victoria Vistas, in Bhowanipur, Kolkata. Check out its unique style, if you are looking for décor ideas for luxury homes

Designing and maintaining the look of a luxury property is a difficult task. There is a lot of space that needs your attention and a bad design can totally weigh down the entire look of the house. This is not so, if you are at Victoria Vistas in Bhowanipore. We are showcasing this unit in the project developed by Signum and Salarpuria Group and designed by interior designer Shabnam Alam. Check out this property that is spread over 2,500 sq ft, where Alam creates a luxurious look, along with prudent space design, by balancing vacant spaces with furniture.


The design of Victoria Vistas in Bhowanipore

Overlooking the Victoria Memorial in Kolkata, this luxury residential project offers condominiums. The design of this property is such that it blends contemporary architecture and comfort, to render a truly well-planned living space. Check out the pictures below.

The living room is graceful and elegant. The overall style has muted tones of greys, light veneer and contrasting dark shades of wood. The natural marble stone along the TV unit wall, the leather padding on the back of the sofa and soft colours for the curtains and walls, complements the look of the living room.


Victoria Vistas in Bhawanipore,Kolkata


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


See also: Traditional Indian house designs that are inspirational


The bedroom

A wonderful fusion of tradition and the modernity, the bedrooms look stylish. You can see vertical battens in wood as the panelling at the back of the bed. Together with the glossy surface of the bed and the bedside table, the charm of the room is unique and inspiring. The artwork again is the right match for this room.


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


Also read all about Kolkata’s Metcalfe Hall


The kids’ room

The kids’ room is well-designed, with attention paid not just to the look of the room but about aspects like storage space, as well. The overhead storage also adds to the décor of the room. What makes the space look natural and earthy is the wooden panelling along the wall. A concrete-finish wallpaper on wall adjacent to the bed, lends a picturesque look to the room.


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


See also: Fluid Home, Mumbai: A fusion of lifestyle and flexible spaces


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance


This Kolkata property is a perfect blend of luxury and elegance

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Know about: Flat at Kolkata 

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