Feng Shui tips for bedrooms

According to Feng Shui, the bed should be placed in the commanding position.

A bedroom must be designed in a way that promotes relaxation and sound sleep. Feng Shui, the ancient art of arranging space, can be a useful technique to ensure your bedroom has positive vibes. The bedroom, along with the kitchen and bathroom, are known to be the three energy centres of a house. Thus, aligning your bedroom’s design with Feng Shui is essential for creating a balanced and positive environment.


Benefits of Feng Shui Bedrooms

Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


  • Promotes positive energy: Applying Feng Shui to bedrooms can improve its overall energy flow and boost energy levels while ensuring good health and well-being.
  • Enhances sleep quality: Placing the bed and different elements of a bedroom as per Feng Shui principles improves sleep quality.
  • Alleviates stress and anxiety: Designing a Feng Shui bedroom creates a calm ambience, thus reducing stress and anxiety levels.
  • Strengthens relationships: A Feng Shui-compliant bedroom can promote love and bonding between partners.
  • Increases productivity: Aligning the bedroom with Feng Shui can boost mental clarity and focus, improving productivity levels.


Bedroom design according to Feng Shui

There are easy ways to design your bedroom, which eliminates negative energies and brings positivity.

Elements of nature

Include natural elements in a bedroom, such as lucky plants, fresh flowers or water features. Make sure to add wood or stone, which ensures harmony and promotes energy flow. According to Feng Shui experts, plants bring life energy (Qi) to the room. Choose slow-growing, trailing succulents to avoid excessive energies with too many plants. When growing plants in a bedroom, it is essential to ensure it gets sufficient light and moisture as unhealthy plants may not contribute to positive energy flow in the room. Similarly, when keeping flowers in a bedroom, choose to keep the water fresh and dispose of flowers when they wilt.


Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


The right layout: Symmetry

An effective way to promote harmony in a bedroom is to pay attention to the placement of various items and furniture. This can be achieved by arranging the bedroom symmetrically. Position the bed centrally for easy movement and avoid a cluttered look. Make sure to allow equal space on both sides of the bed. Do not keep heavy furniture near the bedroom wall.


Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


Consider the right bed size

It is essential to choose a comfortable bed, which promotes quality sleep. Go for the biggest bed that your bedroom can accommodate. This is because a bed smaller than a full-sized bed will not let the Qi energy flow freely. This may be helpful, especially if you plan to welcome a partner. Typically, king-sized beds come as two separate units assembled together. However, this could disrupt the connection and harmony between the partners. Choose a bed that comes as a single unit or select a platform bed.


Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


Clean the bedroom

An important Feng Shui tip for bedrooms is to clean the rooms regularly. Diffuse the room with sweet orange oil or any natural fragrance, which helps boost the Feng Shui and energy of the space.


Feng Shui layouts and types of bedroom designs

Feng Shui tips for bedrooms

Solid wall

As per Feng Shui, positioning the bed against a solid wall gives a sense of security and stability. While placing the bed, make sure it gets a commanding view of the doorway, but it is not directly in line with it or any windows. This placement brings a sense of protection while enabling the person to see who is entering the room.

Make sure the wall does not have plumbing or appliances behind it to avoid overstimulation of energy in the room, thus creating a peaceful space. If there is a primary bathroom connected to the bedroom, do not place the bed directly in line with the bathroom door.


If it is impossible to have a wall behind the bed, make sure the bed has a solid headboard. This is necessary as it represents stability and support in life.

Bedside table height

The bedside table should not be taller than the bed. This is essential to avoid a feeling of oppression and dominance.

Pairs of everything

Make sure the items are in pairs — a pair of night lamps, two seats, two pillows, etc. This is believed to promote harmonious energy in the room.

Minimalist theme

A minimalist interior design matches with Feng Shui principles. Get rid of unwanted items in the room, especially electronic items. These items increase the negative energies and hinder the flow of positive energies.


Types of bedroom

Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


  • Attic bedrooms: Placing a bed directly under an attic’s slanted ceilings can create pressure on the head. Keep the bed away from the slant. Place sconces on either side of the bed that will illuminate the space while boosting the energy.
  • Bedroom with multiple doors: Bedrooms having multiple doors, such as doors to the bathroom, hallway, closet, etc., require careful planning. Do not keep the bed aligned with any of the doors; otherwise, it is known to be in the coffin position and create negativity.
  • Bedroom with multiple windows: If there are windows on three out of four walls, then the bed will likely not have a wall behind it. Even in such cases, make sure to position the bed in a way that the door is visible. Go for a canopy bed, which creates a sense of security.
  • Large bedrooms: If the bedroom is spacious, do not overload it with furniture as it can hamper the energy flow. Create a seating area on the opposite side of the room from the bed. Create a sense of balance and space by segregating the room with the help of rugs, curtains or partitions.


Best directions for bed to face

Direction Significance
South Overall well-being, prosperity
East Aligns with natural energy, creates positive vibes
West Promotes stability
Southeast Creates energy, passion, enthusiasm
North Must be chosen if other directions are unavailable


Make sure the head of the bed is aligned towards the south or east, irrespective of the direction. This ensures a restful and rejuvenating sleep.

According to Feng Shui, the bed should be placed in the commanding position. That is, keep the bed in a way that the entry door is visible. However, it should not be in direct line with the door or on the same wall as the door. An ideal direction is to place the bed diagonal from the door. Do not place the bed under or opposite a window.


Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


Bed directions to avoid

  • Northeast: This direction is believed to disturb the natural energy flow and may lead to health issues.
  • Southwest: Placing the bed in this direction can disrupt the balance of energies in the room.


Colours for bedroom

According to Feng Shui, neutral colours work the best for the bedrooms as they promote calmness and sound sleep. Some ideal colours you can consider include cream, beige, or earthy tones. You can also go for lighter shades, such as cool blues or pale greens.

However, you can balance the overall energies by bringing in some bold colours, such as pink and red. You can incorporate these colours through accessories such as candles, crystals, artwork or bedsheets.

Complement the look with suitable lighting – candles, dimmers, and bedside lamps.


Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


Bedroom décor

Be selective with the type of artwork you choose for your bedroom. Keep photos or paintings that promote positive emotions. Do not keep artwork that reflects sadness, anger, violence, etc.


Bed linen selection

Besides the bed design, quality of bed linens ensure comfort and contribute to sound sleep during nights. Choose quality bed linens and pick colours that promote positivity in life. Opt for neutral hues, which ensure calmness and relaxation.


Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


Things to avoid in bedrooms

Discard electronic items

Do not keep electronic items, such as televisions, computers, etc., as they do not promote positive energies. Such devices emit large amounts of electric and magnetic forces that can impact the immune system and sleep. However, in case there are such items in the room, turn them off at night and cover the screens with a cloth.

Be careful with mirror placement

Avoid keeping mirrors near the bed as they can reflect energies and disturb sleep. You can install it behind the wardrobe door.

Avoid overhead beams

Avoid placing the bed below low beams, soffits, or sloped ceilings as it gives a sense of pressure.

Remove water features

Avoid water features in the bedroom, such as fountains or paintings of water, as they bring excess yang energy into the room, impacting the calmness.

Avoid paintings above the bed

Do not keep paintings or large photographs above a bed as they have the same effect as having a window or a beam above the bed.

Watch out for sharp objects

The presence of any sharp object can emit negative energies, according to Feng Shui. Avoid items with sharp corners. Choose a nightstand with rounded edges.

Avoid huge chandeliers

Avoid chandeliers above the bed, as the lighting can be harsh. Moreover, the presence of a huge chandelier above the head while sleeping can be distracting and create inconvenience.

Move bookshelves to another room

While reading is a good habit, it is essential to see if having huge bookshelves in the bedroom impacts the room’s energies and sleep. This is because books have active energies that can stimulate mind. However, you can keep a few books by the bedside but shift heavy bookshelves or cabinets to avoid constriction of energy.

Avoid planning workspace in bedrooms

Avoid creating a home office in the bedroom as it brings active Yang energy to the room. The bedroom must promote yin energies to boost relaxation. Both bedrooms and home office must be designed in an area free from distraction. Having a work desk and materials beside your bed may be distracting and make it difficult for the mind to turn off and unwind for the day. Similarly, it can also make it difficult to remain focused and alert during the day.

However, if you have to create these areas in the bedroom, install a room partition with the help of a curtain or a folding screen.

Avoid home gym in the bedroom

Similarly, gym equipment denotes active Yang energy, not suitable for the bedroom areas and may hamper sleep.


There should not be any clutter under the bed. Do not keep storage beds, especially with storage units underneath. The space under the bed should be completely free to allow the life energy to flow evenly.


Feng Shui bedrooms for married couple

Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


  • Align the bed correctly: Make sure the bed’s placement gives equal access and visibility for both partners. However, do not keep the bed directly aligned with the door.
  • Feng Shui colours: Include colours, such as red, pink and white in the décor to boost love and connection. Do not pick colours that may result in conflicts or disagreements.
  • Bedside tables: Choose matching bedside tables, which ensure balance and harmony.
  • Ambience: Place candles and soft lighting, which promotes a healthy romantic relationship.
  • Remove electronic items: Electronic devices in the bedroom can impact the positive energy flow, thus impacting relationships.

Incorporating these simple changes can create an environment that enhances relationships between couples.


Feng Shui bedrooms tips for money and success

Feng Shui tips for bedrooms


  • Bed placement: Make sure to keep the bed in the right direction as recommended in Feng Shui.
  • Declutter: Keep your bedroom well-organised and clutter-free to allow positive energies that promote prosperity and success.
  • Colours: Certain colours, such as green, blue and purple, are known to be lucky and attract success and prosperity. Go for warm and soothing colours to attract wealth and abundance.
  • Feng Shui items: There are various Feng Shui items, such as crystals, plants and wind chimes, which are known to attract success and wealth.
  • Things to avoid: Avoid storing items under your bed as it can affect energy flow and prosperity.

By following this Feng Shui, one can ensure a positive flow of energy while inviting good luck and fortune in life.


Housing.com News Viewpoint

Consider the Feng Shui tips shared above to create a well-designed bedroom that creates a favourable environment, allowing positive energy flow, healthy relationships, financial stability, success and prosperity. While implementing these ideas, it is also essential to understand what works best for your bedroom by considering the room size and your preferences. You can make slight adjustments while remembering the Feng Shui rules to create a positive and harmonious space.



What is the Feng Shui rule for bedrooms?

According to Feng Shui bedroom rules, the bed should not be directly aligned to any door or placed underneath a window or overhead beam. However, it should be placed in a way that the door is visible. Choose a minimalist bedroom design theme to promote positive energies.

How to make use of Feng Shui principles for bedrooms to bring good luck?

Place lucky plants, crystals, and wind chimes in the bedroom to attract good luck.

What is bad Feng Shui elements for a bedroom?

Presence of clutter and electronic gadgets in the bedroom can be a source of negative energies, indicating bad Feng Shui.

Which colour is lucky for bedrooms?

Choose warm, soothing shades of green and blue in the bedroom.

Can we keep books in the bedroom?

According to Feng Shui, one can keep a few books by the bedside, but heavy bookshelves must be avoided.

Got any questions or point of view on our article? We would love to hear from you. Write to our Editor-in-Chief Jhumur Ghosh at [email protected]


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