ESIC portal employer and employee login and registration

The Employee State Insurance Scheme is managed by the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation or ESIC. Here is a complete guide on the ESIC ESIC employer login, ESIC employee login, benefits and features, and the ESIC employee portal and registration process

The Indian government provides various social security schemes to workers in India, entailing insurance and other benefits. Some of them are contributory schemes where the contributions are made by the employees and employers. The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act) was introduced to secure workers against health-related eventualities. The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, referred to as ESIC, is an autonomous body established by the ESI Act under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India that aims to provide financial protection to members and their dependents covered under the scheme.

The ESI or Employees’ State Insurance scheme, managed by the ESIC, is a scheme designed to provide social security to employees, as defined in the ESI Act 1948, in case of sickness, maternity and injury during employment. It entitles them to a host of medical, disablement, maternity, and unemployment allowance benefits.

Through the provision of ESIC member login on the ESIC portal, the contributions to the scheme can be made online. The ESIC scheme is aimed at ensuring social security for the workers operating in the organised sector and provide them with financial support during medical emergencies that can impact their income and finances. Read on to understand the ESIC employer login and ESIC employee login, and registration process and related information about the ESIC scheme.

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ESIC employer login: Online registration process

An employer must submit various documents at the time of ESIC registration and login, which includes:

An employer can register online using the official ESIC portal. The online facility for ESIC registration and login provides convenience compared to the manual registration process.

Here is a step-by-step guide for the ESIC employer login and registration process:

Step 1: Visit the official ESIC portal and click on the ‘Employer’ login option on the main page.


ESIC registration
Harini Balasubramanian | Housing News
  • You will be directed to the new IMP login page. Enter your username and password. Submit the captcha code. Click on Login.

ESIC Login for Insurance Medical Practitioner

know about: Partnership deed


  • Users can click on the mEUD option on the ESIC site for login.
  • Fill in your login credentials – username and password and the captcha code.
  • Proceed to sign in by clicking on ‘Login’.



ESIC Login: Staff/ Practitioner Medical Eligibility

  • Go to the official ESIC login portal. Click on ESIC staff/ practitioner option on the home page.
  • On the next page, provide the Employee/Pensioner Number and verification code.
  • Click on ‘Search’ to check the ESIC Employee/ Pensioner Medical Eligibility.


ESIC registration: Documents required

An employer must submit various documents at the time of ESIC  registration and login, which includes:

  • PAN card copies of the establishment and its employees
  • Bank statement copy
  • Registration certificate or license issued under the Shops and Establishments Act/Factories Act
  • Proof of address
  • Rent receipt of the occupied premises, specifying its capacity
  • Copy of latest building tax/property tax receipt
  • Certificate of registration for a company
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company, Partnership Deed or Trust Deed, depending on the type of entity
  • Certificate of commencement of production
  • Registration number of CST/ST/GST
  • List of directors and shareholders of the company
  • Register with attendance details of employees

For ESI filings, a monthly pay sheet will be required for calculating the contribution amount for each employee.

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ESIC Login: Scheme eligibility

As per Section 2(12) of the ESI Act, the ESI scheme applies to any non-seasonal factory and establishment, as defined in the ESI Act, having a workforce of 10 or more workers. In some regions, like Maharashtra, the scheme may be applicable if there are a minimum of 20 employees. In addition, the following eligibility criteria need to be fulfilled to avail of the benefits provided by the ESIC scheme:

  • The employees/beneficiaries should have a wage limit of up to Rs 21,000 per month.
  • Employees with disabilities should have a wage limit of Rs 25,000 per month.

The entities covered in this scheme include restaurants, hotels, shops, newspaper establishments, cinemas, including preview theatres, and road motor transport undertakings.

The ESIC extended the Employee State Insurance scheme benefits from August 1, 2015, for workers deployed at construction sites situated in the implemented areas under the ESI Scheme.


Entities covered in ESIC scheme

Under Section 1(5) of the ESI Act, the entities covered under the ESIC scheme are mentioned below. When these establishments have 10 or more persons, the owner/employer of the establishment must compulsorily register it with the ESIC.

  • Shops
  • Cinemas
  • Restaurants or hotels engaged only in sales
  • Road motor transport establishments
  • Newspaper establishments (which is not covered under the Factory Act)
  • Private educational institutions
  • Private medical institutions


Returns to file after ESIC registration

Employers are required to file ESI returns half-yearly after the registration process under the ESIC. They are required to file the returns, for which the following documents are mandatory:

  • Register of attendance of the employees
  • Form 6 – Register
  • Register of wages
  • Register of any accidents which have happened on the premises of the business
  • Monthly returns and challans


ESIC login: Scheme contribution rates

Employer contribution Employee contribution Total
3.25% 0.75% 4%

The ESIC contribution rates are periodically revised. The contribution rates for the ESI scheme, applicable with effect from July 1, 2019, are mentioned above.

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ESIC Portal: How to view dashboard?

ESIC members can go to the ESIC portal. On the home page, click on the ESIC Dashboard under the Dashboard section.

ESIC Portal: How to view dashboard?

The dashboard will be visible on the screen.

ESIC Portal: How to view dashboard?


ESIC Portal: How to check directory?

  • Go to the ESIC website. On the home page, click on director under About us section.
  • Then, go to information and click on ‘Directory’ option

You will find complete information on ESIC Divisions headquarters, Field Offices / Units, etc.

ESIC Portal: How to check directory?


ESIC login portal: How to lodge a grievance?

Users can file their grievances online on the ESIC portal.

  • On the home page, click on ‘lodge a grievance’ under Public Grievance section.
  • You will be directed to another page.
  • Click on Lodge Public Grievance under Grievance.

ESIC login portal: How to lodge a grievance?

Registered user, then login to CPGRAMS platform using their username and password in User Login section. First time ESIC users can click on relevant link to register.

ESIC login portal: How to lodge a grievance?

  • Under the section, ‘Grievance Detail’, choose ‘Others/Not Listed/Not Known’
  • Select ESIC under Ministry/Department Dropdown. Then, select the Regional Office under Subordinate Department/ Office.
  • Enter the details of the complaint.

How to check grievance status?

  • Click on ‘lodge a grievance’ under Public Grievance section on the home page.
  • You will be directed to another page.
  • Now, click on ‘View Status’
  • On the next page, enter the registration number, email id/ mobile number and security code in the given fields. Click on ‘Submit’ to proceed to view the status.

ESIC login portal: How to lodge a grievance?


ESIC Portal: Scheme benefits and features of the scheme

The benefits under the Employee State Insurance scheme, which is a self-financing scheme, are classified into two categories:

  • Cash benefits covering sickness, maternity, disablement (temporary and permanent), funeral expenses, and vocational rehabilitation
  • Non-cash benefits through medical care


Mentioned below are the benefits and main features of the ESI scheme:

Medical benefit

The medical expenditures of an insured person and his family members are covered from day one of the employment.

Sickness benefit

The beneficiary can avail 70% of wages as cash compensation during the period of certified sickness for a maximum of 91 days per year. To be eligible for this benefit, the worker must contribute for 78 days in a contribution period of six months.

Maternity benefit

Under the scheme, an employee as an ESIC member can avail full wage under maternity benefit for 26 weeks, which is extendable by a further one month on medical advice, subject to a contribution of 70 days in the preceding two contribution periods.

Disablement benefit

During temporary disablement, a worker can avail 90% of the wage until the disability continues. In case of permanent disability, one is eligible to get 90% of the monthly salary, based on the extent of loss of earning capacity as certified by the medical board.

Unemployment allowance

Under the scheme, workers who become unemployed due to the closure of a factory or establishment, retrenchment, or permanent invalidity are eligible for an allowance of 50% of wage for a maximum period of two years.

Dependent’s benefit

The dependents of the insured person under the scheme receive financial aid in the form of a monthly payment of 90% of wage in case of death due to injuries or occupational hazards.

Other benefits

  • Funeral expenses: The scheme covers funeral expenses up to Rs 15,000, payable to the dependents or the individual performing the last rites of the insured.
  • Confinement costs: The scheme covers costs in case confinement at a place where essential medical services under the scheme are not available.
  • Vocational rehabilitation (VR): The benefit is available for insured individuals who are permanently disabled for undergoing VR training.
  • Physical rehabilitation: The scheme offers this benefit for individuals with physical disablement due to employment injury.
  • Old-age medical care: The benefit is available for an insured person at the time of retirement or under VRS (Voluntary Retirement Scheme)/Employees’ Retirement System (ERS), or if the individual has to leave employment due to permanent disability.


Features of ESI scheme

  • An employer makes a contribution from his share for those employees whose daily average wage is Rs 137.
  • Employers must make their contribution, deduct employees’ contribution from wages and deposit the same with ESIC within 15 days from the last day of the month when the contribution is due.
  • Payments can be made online or through designated and authorised public sector banks.


Employers are also required to file ESI on a half-yearly basis. After the ESIC registration process, an establishment must comply with the following rules:

  • Maintain an attendance register and a complete register of workers’ wages
  • Follow an inspection book
  • Maintain a register that records any accidents that occurred on the premises
  • Payment for monthly return and challan within 15th of the following month
  • Provide Form 6
  • Register for ESI return filing


ESIC Portal Mobile App

Now, ESIC members can download the ESIC mobile application get the latest information regarding Benefit and Contribution. Users can go to the Google Play Store or App Store on their mobile phones and download the ‘UMANG mobile app.


ESIC login: Provide feedback

Users can click on Feedback under the ‘Write to Us’ section. A page will open on the screen. Enter the details such as name, state, phone number and suggestion. Click on ‘Submit’

ESIC login Provide feedback


ESIC login: Contact details

Users can go to the home page and click on ‘Content Us’ to get the contact details.

They can contact the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation on the following address:

Headquarters, Panchdeep Bhawan, Comrade Inderjeet Gupta (CIG) Marg, New Delhi – 110002.

For Online Application related issues, they can reach out at toll-free number 1800-11-2526 and 1800-11-3839 for any medical related queries and advice.


ESIC portal: What is IP number?

IP insurance number refers to a unique insured person number issued to each insured person for availing of the ESIC benefits.


How many digits are there in an ESIC IP number?

There are 17 digits in the unique identification number, also known as code number, issued to every establishment or factory registered under the Indian provisions of the ESI act.


Does delayed payment of contribution attract any interest?

An employer who fails to make the payment of the contribution amount with the prescribed limit as per Regulation 31 of the act will be charged a simple interest at the rate of 12% per annum pertaining to each day of delay or default in the payment.


Employees State Insurance Corporation

The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) was established by the ESI Act under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, to provide benefits to employees in case of sickness, maternity and employment injury.

Further, the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation is responsible for regulating employers’ contributions, paying compensation, ensuring compliance, etc.



How can I get my ESIC number?

Once the employer submits details of the respective employees, the ESIC issues a smart card. The ESI Card or Pehchan Card is an identity card, which enables an individual to avail of ESI scheme benefits at empanelled hospitals and dispensaries. The unique ESI insurance number or ESIC number is mentioned on this card.

How can I download my ESIC card?

To download the ESIC card, go to the ‘Employee’ section on the ESIC employee portal and click on ‘e-Pehchan Card’.

How is the ESI scheme funded?

The ESI scheme is a self-financing scheme. The funds are mainly generated from contributions by the employers and employees, payable monthly as per a fixed percentage of the wages. The state government bears 1/8th share of the costs of medical benefits.

How do I check my ESIC registration?

An employee of a factory/ establishment registered under ESIC can visit the ESIC website. Click on the 'Insured Person Login' option. Submit the user number (insurance number) and captcha code.

What is the ESI Code number?

The ESI code number refers to a 17-digit identification number issued to every employee of a factory or establishment registered with the ESIC.

What is the salary limit of ESI?

The employees or ESI beneficiaries must have a wage of up to Rs 21,000 per month. The wage limit of employees with disabilities is Rs 25,000 per month.

What is ESIC login id?

The ESIC employee login ID is their insurance number, which is issued after the registration.


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