Society AGM meeting rules in Maharashtra 2025

The bye-laws in Maharashtra prescribe rules for the AGM.

The Maharashtra government has made it mandatory for housing societies in the state to hold the annual general body meeting (AGM) according to its model Bye-Laws. In this guide, we discuss on dos and don’ts of an AGM.

What is a housing society AGM?

The Maharashtra government has put in place the annual general body meeting (AGM) according to its model Bye-Laws.  The AGM takes into account all the activities that has happened in a particular year in the co-operative housing society . It also keeps members updated of all developments in the society especially the ones that have financial implications. The AGM helps keep all operations in a CHS transparent. Once held, minutes of AGM of housing society is recorded and circulated among the members.

How many members form the managing committee in a housing society?

According to Bye Law No 114, the strength of the managing committee depends on the number of flats in the housing society.


Number of flats (members) in the housing society Number of members Total
101 to 200 General : 8

Women: 2

SC/ST/OBC/VJ, NT, SBC: 1 each

201 to 300 General : 10

Women: 2

SC/ST/OBC/VJ, NT, SBC: 1 each

301 to 400 General : 12

Women: 2

SC/ST/OBC/VJ, NT, SBC: 1 each

401 to 500 General : 14

Women: 2

SC/ST/OBC/VJ, NT, SBC: 1 each



Note that while the number mentioned for women and other reserved categories is minimum and more than that count can be added  as part of the society managing committee.

What is the maximum time for AGM notice?

According to society AGM meeting rules, members should be given a maximum notice period of 21 days to attend the housing society AGM.

What are the society AGM notice period rules?

  • The AGM of the society cannot be convened unless a notice of 14 days is given to the members.
  • While computing the 14 days, the date on which the notice is issued and the date of the meeting shall be excluded.
  • Once an AGM is called, it cannot be treated as invalid, unless an order declaring the meeting as such is passed by the cooperative court.
  • The notice for convening the AGM, has to be signed by the secretary of the society.

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What is the last date for AGM of housing society 2024-25?

As per the model bye-laws for cooperative housing societies in Maharashtra, every housing society has to hold an AGM, every year, before September 30. 

What are the society AGM meeting rules?

  • For conducting the business at the AGM, the law stipulates that a minimum number of members need to be present, called the ‘quorum’ of the meeting.
  • A minimum of two-thirds of the total number of members, subject to a maximum of 20, should be present to constitute the quorum for the AGM.
  • Consequently, small housing societies sometimes find it difficult to ensure the quorum. For big housing societies, even a small proportion of the total members may add up to 20 members being present in the meeting and constitute a quorum.
  • Before the AGM begins or once it if over, all members present have to sign their attendance against their flat number.

What is done in absence of quorum as per society AGM meeting rules?

  • In case the required quorum is not present within half an hour of the appointed time, the meeting shall be adjourned to a later hour on the same day or to a subsequent date which cannot be earlier than seven days and not later than 30 days from the original date of the AGM.
  • At the adjourned meeting, there is no requirement to have a quorum. However, the mere attendance of one person at the adjourned meeting, shall still not constitute a meeting and therefore, a minimum of two members have to be present even at the adjourned meeting.

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What are the sequence of steps followed in housing society AGM ?

  1. Wait for the quorum to be formed.
  2. The chairman of the housing society welcomes all the members.
  3. Maintain attendance of all members by taking their signatures in the society register.
  4. Discuss the points decided before hand in the AGM.
  5. Close the AGM with vote of thanks.

Once the AGM is over, the minutes of the meeting is circulated to all members and it is ensured that all members are aware about decisions taken in the AGM.

How to conduct AGM of housing society? 

Financial matters

  • The main purpose of the AGM of a society, is to adopt and approve the annual accounts of the society by the members and to receive an annual report of the affairs of the society. The auditors of the society are also appointed at the AGM. 
  • In the AGM, the committee with the help of a balance sheet explain to the society members the income and expense account for the year. The financial documents should be in line with the directives mentioned by the registrar.

Other matters to be discussed in AGM

In addition to the above business, the AGM can take up any other matter, even if the same is not included in the notice.

  • Improvements that can be done in the society
  • Complaints regarding members conduct, car parking, open spaces, behaviour, cleanliness etc.
  • Matters regarding the staff such as employment, salary etc.
  • Events to be planned and held.
  • Introducing any future plans like painting of the building, repair of the lift system, implementing solar panels or changing the lift system.
  • Election dates.

If the business on the agenda of the general meeting of the society is only partly transacted, then, the meeting can be postponed to any other date decided by the members present in the meeting, which should not be later than 30 days from the original AGM.

Committee report

The committee should also present a compiled report that has the chairman’s signature to prove its validity.

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What cannot be discussed in AGM unless proper notice is give? 

  1. Expulsion of members of the society
  2. Amendment of the bye-laws of the society
  3. Bifurcation, amalgamation, or division of the society
  4. Transfer of property of the society

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Who can attend society AGM?

Only the owner of the house can attend the AGM.

Can a co-owner attend society AGM? 

If an apartment has co-owners, the person whose name is mentioned first on the share certificate can attend the AGM. In case, he is unable to attend, the person whose name comes second can attend the AGM with written permission from the first co-owner.

Can power of attorney holder attend AGM of society?

No proxy person or person with power of attorney is eligible to attend an AGM as a society member.

Can a nominee attend AGM?

A nominee is not allowed to attend the AGM of a housing society. He also cannot propose any resolution or vote for any resolution in the society’s AGM.

No. A society cannot charge absentee fee from any active or inactive member because of not attending the AGM.

Can society charge penalty for not attending AGM?

No. A society cannot charge absentee fee from any active or inactive member because of not attending the AGM.

Can inactive members vote in society AGM?

In August 2021, the Maharashtra government removed the ‘inactive member’ provision in Section 26 of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, thus, allowing all eligible members of the society to cast their vote in society elections held on or before March 31, 2022, irrespective of them attending the general body meetings.

With this modification, the 2018 ruling that ‘inactive members’ cannot cast their votes or contest housing society elections does not hold true anymore. In 2018, the Maharashtra government had made an amendment to Section 26 of the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, which stated that any member of the society who had not attended five successive general body meetings, would be termed an ‘inactive member’. As a result, he would lose his membership rights, including contesting elections and casting votes.

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Minutes of AGM of housing society

  • Post the AGM, the committee shall finalise the draft the minutes of the AGM within three months of the date of the meeting and share with all society members, within 15 days.
  • The final society AGM minutes to be circulated will be done on acceptance from all members. Conflict over resolutions of the managing committee and the general body will addressed before the cooperative court.

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AGM vs SGM: Key differences

In cooperative housing societies in Maharashtra, Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and Special General Meetings (SGMs) serve distinct purposes and operate under different guidelines:


  • AGM: Held once annually, typically before September 30th.
  • SGM: Convened as needed to address urgent matters that cannot wait until the next AGM.


  • AGM: Covers a broad agenda, including reviewing annual reports, financial statements, elections, and future planning.
  • SGM: Focuses on specific urgent issues requiring immediate attention.


  • AGM: Mandatory and scheduled by the management committee as per statutory requirements.
  • SGM: Can be called by the chairman, a majority of the committee, or upon a written requisition by at least one-fifth of the society’s members.

Notice Period:

  • AGM: Requires a minimum of 14 clear days’ notice to all members.
  • SGM: Requires at least 5 clear days’ notice; in emergencies, a shorter notice is permissible if the committee unanimously agrees.


  • Both Meetings: A quorum is constituted by two-thirds of the total members or 20 members, whichever is less.


AGM related queries asked by readers

Draft of AGM MoM is circulated sometimes 6 months after AGM. Can these MoMs be challenged for their validity?

“As per Bye-law No. 108, the committee has to finalise the draft minutes of every general body meeting of the society within three months from the date of the meeting and circulate the draft minutes amongst all the members of the society within 15 days of the meeting of the committee at which draft minutes were finalised. The members may thereafter within 15 days provide their suggestions and objections to the committee on the draft minutes which may be considered by the committee while finalising minutes and get it recorded in the minute book,” says Ramesh S. Prabhu, chairman, Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association.

According to Prabhu, when the minutes have to be challenged, they need to be challenged for its facts and the decision which are in violation of the provisions of the Act, Rules, Notifications and bye-laws. For example the bye-law provides that the service charges should be charged to each flat equally, irrespective of its size or type and if resolution is passed that the service charges will be charged on square feet basis which is in violation of the provisions of the bye-laws.

Provision of bye-law No. 108 is about the procedural aspect. The procedural lapses normally will not be considered by the court to set aside the minutes. If something was decided but not recorded or certain resolution was recorded which are contrary to what was decided and if you are able to bring out in the pleadings before the court and you also mention the above procedural lapses, the court may set aside the same.

The petitioner will have to bring out those evidences in the form of affidavit signed by maximum members who attended the meetings. The days mentioned in these types of bye-laws are considered as directive and not mandatory. However, ultimately, it is the co-operative court which will decide for such lapse, the entire minutes can be considered as legal or illegal.


Can a subcommittee be formed by managing committee without inviting society members to be part of it?

According to Prabhu, as per section 73 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1963 and bye-law No. 111, the management of the affairs of the society shall vest in the committee duly constituted in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the Rules and the Bye-laws of the society.  Therefore, it is upto the committee to decide to form the sub-committee or taskforce to implement its decision. There is no provision in the Act, Rules or in the bye-laws that to form such committee / task force, the managing committee has to follow certain procedure or invite the members to be part of such sub-commitee or taskforce.

Prabhu added that any decision taken by such sub-committee/ task force will be taken on behalf of the committee by virtue of delegation of its powers and for any violation as per bye-law No. 137, the managing committee members will be held jointly and severally responsible and accountable for the loss caused to the society. Thus the members cannot challenge or question the constitution of such committee or taskforce for not inviting the society members to be part of such sub-committee or any decision taken by them will become invalid or illegal.

Are decisions taken by managing committee in absence of minimum quorum legal?

According to the Bye-law No. 126, it is not  competent for the committee to transact any business unless there is the quorum at the time of consideration of every item on the agenda of the meeting  of the committee. This is a mandatory provision and not a directive provision. Therefore, any decision taken in the committee meeting where there is no quorum is illegal.  The aggrieved member has to obtain the certified copy of the minutes and the certified copy of the attendance record for such meeting and then challenge the same.
However, section 77 of the MCS Act, 1960 provides as under:

Section 77 – Acts of societies etc., not to be invalidated by certain defects

(1) No act of a society or a committee or any officer, done in good faith in pursuance of the business of the society shall be deemed to be invalid by reason only of some defect subsequently discovered in the organisation of the society, or in the constitution of the committee, or in the appointment or election of an officer, or on the ground that such officer was disqualified for his office.
(2) No Act done in good faith by any person appointed under this Act, the rules and the bye-laws shall be invalid merely by reason of the fact that his appointment has been cancelled by or in consequence of any order subsequently passed under this Act, Rules and the Bye-laws.
(3) The Registrar shall decide whether any act was done in good faith in pursuance of the business of the society; and his decision thereon shall be final.”
“From the above, it may be concluded that the appropriate court or the registrar shall decide whether a decision is valid or otherwise when a committee has taken the decision even in the absence of the quorum. “Just to give an example, the  committee without quorum had decided to keep fixed deposit of the surplus amount in the bank for earning higher rate of interest, the same cannot be considered to be illegal or invalid just because there was no quorum, as it was done in good faith. Therefore when challenging any functions of the society, the aggrieved person has to consider whether business transacted is in violation of any of the provisions of the Act, Rules and the bye-laws and whether it has caused any loss to the society. In such case, absence of the quorum becomes a strong point of argument to get such decision of the committee set aside,” said, Prabhu.


Can the AGM be video recorded as per the law?

According to Ramesh Prabhu, AGM video recording has been cancelled according to a circular dated May 4, 2023.

First General Body Meeting

How is the date for the First General Body Meeting decided?

When the developer hands over society to the members, it calls for the  First General Body Meeting (FGBM). The FGBM is decided by the Registrar office for society formation. All relevant notices and details should be shared by the developer to the society members before the FGBM.

Who can file for nominations and are eligible for voting in the FGBM?

Only members who are physically present can file for nominations and are eligible for voting in the FGBM.  Members who are not present physically cannot participate in the process.

If there are co-owners, who is eligible for attending the FGBM?

In case of co-owners, the first owner is eligible for attend the meeting and only he can attend. In case the first gives away the voting and nomination rights to the co-owner, then only the co-owner is eligible to attend. POV

An AGM plays an important role in the functioning of a housing society. As discussions related to finance and other aspects that are pre-intimated to the members of the society are discussed and solution is taken depending on member consensus, it is important for each housing member to attend it.

See also: Maharashtra housing society bye-laws



Can a non-active member vote or contest society elections?

What is the notice period for holding AGM of cooperative housing society?

The AGM of the society cannot be convened unless a notice of 21 days is given to the members.

Can a proxy attend AGM?

No proxy or a holder of power of attorney or letter of authority shall be eligible to attend the AGM of the Society.

What is the purpose of an AGM?

The main purpose of the AGM of a society is to adopt and approve the annual accounts of the society by the members and to receive an annual report of the affairs of the society.

Can a society charging an AGM absentee fee?

No, it is illegal to charge a AGM absentee fee for any member if the CHS.

How many times AGM can be held in a year in housing society?

An AGM will be held once a year before September 30.

Can tenants attend AGM?

No, only the person whose name is mentioned first on the sale deed can attend the AGM.

Can family members attend society AGM?

No, only a member of the CHS is allowed to attend an AGM. In case of a co-member, if member with the first name on the share certificate is absent, member with second name can attend with the written permission from first member.

Is it mandatory to attend AGM?

While it is not compulsory to attend an AGM, it is a good practice to attend one.

Who presides the AGM?

The chairman of the housing society presides the AGM.

Whose responsibility is it to ensure the AGM is held on time?

It is the responsibility of the managing committee of the housing society, to ensure that the AGM is held within the prescribed period.


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